No 3 (2013)


Role of interdisciplinary collaboration in integration of history and social sciences: phenomenon of socio-scientific history

Porshneva O.S.


The article is devoted to the evolution of history as one of the social sciences in the second half of the XX – early XXI centuries. The author analyses the main representations of the integration of social sciences and history, its role in the formation of the contemporary social knowledge. The article considers the phenomenon of social science history as a sphere of scientifically oriented social-historical studies based on the integration and collaboration of social sciences and humanities. Contradictions and perspectives of this interdisciplinary collaboration are discussed in the context of the influence analysis of scientific paradigms and intellectual turns of the epoch.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):5-19
pages 5-19 views

Russian-Chinese border trade in the XIX century

Koval M.V.


The article analyses the process of the border establishment with China and the formation of the border trade mechanisms, registration and liquidation of Kyakhta monopoly and the decrease of the role of trade through Siberia. With the construction and putting into operation of the Trans-Siberian railway the commercial border relations entered a new period of their development.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):20-30
pages 20-30 views

Material provision of bailiffs in Russian empire in the second half of the XIX century (based on materials of Penza region)

Boldyrev D.V.


The article analyses the system of bailiffs’ material provision in the 1860–1890s. It focuses on the core elements forming bailiffs’ salary and the reasons for remuneration of bailiffs for executing their duties. The article characterizes the financial responsibility of bailiffs in the form of deductions and levy of pledge when assuming the post. The author concludes that the system of bailiffs’ salaries at that period had not yet been developed as an effective set of measures and guarantees to protect a bailiff on the part of the State.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):31-40
pages 31-40 views

Discussions of factory committee and textile workers on economic issues in 1922–1926 (on materials of «Tryokhgornaya manufactury»)

Kim V.I.


The article analyzes the discussions of the factory committee and the textile workers at the Moscow factory «Tryokhgornaya manufactury» in 1922–1926. The author uses the method of content analysis to identify the questions that interested the textile workers. The results enable to draw conclusions related to changing the methods of business management in the late 1920s.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):41-46
pages 41-46 views

Dynamics of rural population growth of Gorki region in the second half of 1950s

Golub Y.A.


The article analyses the causes of the rural population growth in 1955–1959. The author shows a family size and structure in urban and rural areas. The author emphasizes the causes of the formation of the described rural family structure. There is considered the legislative activity of the state in the population sphere. There is given the analysis of the dynamics of the rural population growth of the Gorki region as a whole and its working-age part in particular.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):47-54
pages 47-54 views

Slavic issue and Russian nationalism in liberal journalism in 1860s

Fedorova E.Y.


The article is devoted to the problems of the nationalism perception in the liberal journalism in the 1860s. The author reveals the political and ideological factors which prompted liberalism theorists K.D. Kavelin, B.N. Chicherin, A.D. Gradovsky to consider national issues. There are analyzed the common and particular features in the works of publicists of public school. Special attention is paid to their attitude to the Slavic idea, the Polish issue and the Russian nationalism.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):55-65
pages 55-65 views

Image of Russian pre-reform merchants as attempt for self-presentation

Bannikova E.V.


The article analyses the appearance and manners of the Russian merchant class in the pre-reform period from the viewpoint of the public image. The author considers the ways colors, style and behavior of merchants influenced the perception by the society, what impression they tried to produce by means of non-verbal communication.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):66-75
pages 66-75 views

Image of Soviet Union in the world: factors and dynamics of perception

Kotelenets E.A.


The article analyses the formation of the country’s image in the world since the 1917 revolution up to the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. Special attention is paid to the role of the historical stereotypes of Russia in this process as well as the new factors which can alter the attitude to the country and to its contribution to the world progress. Having examined many different sources, the author reveals the nature and mechanisms of several propaganda campaigns for the formation of the image of the USSR and its leaders.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):76-90
pages 76-90 views

Russian-British confrontation in Far East in late XIX century

Masoumeh Ali Ekhtiari Charoymagi -.


The article considers the Russian-British confrontation in China in late XIX century. The Russian and foreign (British in particular) historiographies have different views of the causes and manifestations of the Russian-British political and economic contradictions in China. The researches’ disputes are explained by their different interpretations of the same events, which depend on their personal political positions. Besides, the views of scientists from previous epochs sometimes influence modern researches.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):91-98
pages 91-98 views

Cultural cooperation of Russia and China at the turn of the XX–XXI century

Sytenko G.N.


The article analyzes the main areas of the cultural cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China over the past decade. The author describes the legal framework of this cooperation, researches the forms and methods of the cooperation between the two countries in the spheres of culture, education as well as mass media.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):99-106
pages 99-106 views

Ukraine's Foreign Policy: from Military Doctrine to Defense Security One

Kuzmuk A.I.


The article considers the problem of reforming and developing Ukraine’s Armed Forces on the basis of the analysis of the key provisions of the Strategic defense bulletin adopted in 2012. The author proposes the ways of solving this problem and substantiates the transition in the defense planning from the military doctrine to the doctrine of Ukraine’s security and defense.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):107-119
pages 107-119 views
pages 120-121 views
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RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(3):125-126
pages 125-126 views

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