No 2 (2010)


The «Big Three» in 1941-1945: the informal sides of military-diplomatic cooperation

Bystrova I.V.


In the core of the article is the problem of personal contacts between Soviet, American and British leaders, military and diplomatic during the war in 1941-1945 (their forms, peculiarities, evolution). The main sources are the documents from I.V. Stalin's personal archive, V.M. Molotov, I. Maiskii files, Foreign Affairs agents, documents of the Communist Party of the USSR and NKVD. Some archival documents from the American side, namely from Joint Chiefs of Staff records, stored in the National Archives in Washington, D.C., are also involved.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):5-21
pages 5-21 views

Evacuation of factories of armor industry in 1941: Great historical phenomenon or great failure?

Ermolov A.J.


Author of the article, using become new accessible documents, considers evacuation of the Soviet armor industry in 1941 and its restoration after that. The author in detail shows difficulties, which arose during this process, and estimates losses of industry and their influence on the subsequent organization of manufacture.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):22-35
pages 22-35 views

Russian army in Europe in 1813-1814: the relationships between soldiers and the population

Mogilevskiy N.A.


Author of the article analyzes the relationships between the soldiers of Russian army and the population of Prussia. Austria and France during the Europeаn campaign of 1813-1814. The author shows a large contradiction between the enthusiasm of the Prussians and a great number of facts of the marauding of the Russian soldiers. Besides author shows great efforts of Russian headquarters to avoid the guerrilla war in France in 1814.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):36-43
pages 36-43 views

Some special features of Jews enterprise culture in Russia in 19th - early 20th centuries: confessional ethic correlations

Kryazheva-Kartseva E.V.


In the article sources of formation of the basic lines of business culture of Jews in the Russian empire of the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries are analysed. Among the basic sources the Torah and the Talmud are named. The author has come to a conclusion, that logical explanations to such features of behaviour of Jews-businessmen as a thrift, ability to organise good bargains, to use all possible means for achievement of financial success are on the pages of the Talmud.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):44-51
pages 44-51 views 513

The Moscow economic conference of April 1952: a tactical manoeuvre or a new strategy of USSR?

Lipkin M.A.


In the article analyzes the prehistory, history and the meaning of a large soviet international action - the Moscow economic conference in April 1952. With a use of new evidences from the Russian state archive of social and political history the author argues that the Conference was not just a reaction to the Marshall Plan and Shuman Plan in Western Europe. It was the first attempt to open the iron curtain and change the logic of international relations towards peaceful coexistence. The Conference turned into quite unusual for the period of late Stalin's rule nursery for fresh ideas used in full by USSR later in 1950-1970s.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):52-64
pages 52-64 views

Regional aspects of a tax policy in village in 1920th (on a material of the Orel province)

Goncharova I.V.


The article analyses the regional features of becoming and evolution of a tax policy of Soviet Russia's authority in 1920th. It considers the periods of stages of a policy, their essence, and influence on peasantry and reveals the features of perception of this policy at a local level. The political and social orientation of a tax policy amplifying by the end of 1920th is also examined in the article. Principles of the taxation as the tool of social split of village are considered on the Orel material.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):65-78
pages 65-78 views

«Circassian coats lacks cloth, «kulaks» harmed us…»: costume of «Soviet Terek and Kuban region Cossacks» in the 1930s

Skorik A.P.


The article is dedicated to the culture of Russian Cossacks 1930s. The author examines in details the process of creating costumes Soviet Cossacks, which reflect the «cultural construction» of Kuban and Terek Cossack regions in the 1930s.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):79-87
pages 79-87 views

«Where the farming is - there the bribery is»: to the history of bribes in Russia

Goryushkina N.E.


In the article the nature paying off bribery is analyzed. The author comes to a conclusion that the severity of the drinkable legislation running counter to fisk interests, the government to be reconciled with paying off arbitrariness, and compelled a tаx farmer to resort to bribes to expand to oneself a field of actions. The aspiration of the higher administration to finish the bureaucratic and commercial corruption generated by wine payoffs was one of the bases to introduction of a free turn of alcohol in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):88-97
pages 88-97 views

«Persons lodging complaint» or «Despondent»: examination of the citizens' applications and complaints, 1917-1920s

Bulyulina H.V.


Some aspects of special structural divisions' formation and actions inside local administrations of Peoples' commissariats of workers-and-peasants inspections are presented in the article. It is Bureau of complaints, its main task was to examine citizens' applications and complaints on the wrong actions of the institutions and official functionary. Low-and-norma-tive foundations of the local Bureaus of complaints are described, methods and forms of their work, the importance for the local power institutions and for citizens are presented also. The matters of research rejects situation of Lower Volga Region.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):98-105
pages 98-105 views

The discussion about classical and Real education in Russia: the debate on D. Tolstoy`s «Educational reform» in State Council (1871-1872)

Voronin V.Y.


This article is devoted to the important event in the Russian political history of the Great reforms epoch. It's the discussion about the role of classical and real education led in Governmental circles in the beginning of 1870s. Special attention is paid to the consideration of reform projects of gymnasium education occurred in State Council, the highest legislative institution of Empire, and to the positions elaboration of supporters and opponents of Public Education Minister D. Tolstoy.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):106-119
pages 106-119 views

«I have honor to inform faculty…»: about position of medical professorate within Civil War

Eregina N.T.


In clause on the basis of the broad audience of the archival and published materials are analyzed position and operating conditions of the faculty of medical faculties within civil war. The special attention is given mutual relations of a new revolutionary power and medical professorate.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):120-128
pages 120-128 views

Working in soviet aircraft industry. Extract from G.A. Cheremukhin memories

Georguiyeva N.G.


Published by N.G. Georguiyeva This is a publication of an excerpt from the G.A. Cheremukhin's memoirs «The work in the aircraft industry» (1921-2009). He was a famous aircraft designer noted both in Russia and abroad. This fragment contains the previously little known information on the beginning of the creation of a strategic bomber TU-4 in 1945-1947. N.G. Georgieva prepared this publication on the basis of the manuscript of his memoirs. The preface and footnotes contain biographic data on people who were mentioned in the memoirs and who were working together with the author of the memoirs.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):129-137
pages 129-137 views
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RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(2):150-151
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