No 3 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Administrative Exile on Verdicts of National Courts of Russian Turkestan
The problem of the administrative exile both throughout the Russian empire, and in Russian Turkestan has no proper scientific reflection so far. The author considers only one aspect, namely: its application on the basis of verdicts of national courts of indigenous population of the region. The author reveals the reasons and circumstances of the tsarist authorities refusal of the use of such legislative norm shortly after putting in action «Regulations on management of Turkestan region» of 1886.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):5-18

McCormick or the Butenops?: Problem of State Support of Agricultural Machines Production Import Substitution in Russia in the early 20th Century (following Materials of 1907 Special Conference)
In the article the author analyses the problem of improving technical equipment of the Russian agriculture at the outset of the Stolypin agrarian reforms. The author shows contradictions between different governmental bodies of the Russian empire over the issue of the sources of supply of agricultural machinery for the Russian rural population (import or domestic production). It becomes clear, that after 1907 the Russian government took no special measures to restrict import of foreign agricultural machinery to Russia. Instead a new policy of direct support of the Russian agricultural machine-building industry was accepted (extension of credit from the Bank of Russia, awarding a bonus for the agricultural machines manufactured in Russia etc.). The article poses a problem of import substitution tendencies in the above-mentioned industry.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):19-33

Central and Regional Official Press in Information Policy of Russian Autocracy (1901-1916)
On the basis of archival materials the author considers the activity of the governmental commissions of 1901 and 1916 on the change of rules on the publication of provincial and regional gazette. The article analyses the proposals of editors of provincial governmental newspapers and local authorities in this respect, as well as the measures undertaken by the government to increase the influence of the governmental newspapers in the conditions of the revolution of 1905-1907. The author points out the difficulties which hindered the realization of the reform of the state sector of press.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):34-48

Authorities Policy towards Refusals of Military Service for Religious Reasons on the Eve of and during the World War I
The article analyzes the problem of refusals of military service for religious reasons on the eve of and in the years of the First World War, attempts and the reason of failure of the Russian authorities to solve this problem by legislative, administrative and repressive measures. The problem is presented against a background of the anti-war movement in the army and the efforts of the authorities and military clergy on religious-ideological maintenance of the world war.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):49-61

Ethnic and Foreign-Policy Stereotypes in Formation of Mythology of Interaction with Alliesin Russian Consciousness during the World War I (1914-1916)
The article is devoted to the role of ethnic and foreign-policy stereotypes in ideology and mythology of allied relations in Russian consciousness during the World War I. The author analyzes the process of overcoming negative ethnic and foreign-policy stereotypes of allied states and nations, creating common allied identity in the first years of the World War I. The author shows the actualization of traditional anti-western prejudices in Russian consciousness under the influence of war delaying, casualties increase, one-sided interpretation of allies' collaboration.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):62-76

Staffing of Military Counterintelligence in Murman Region in 1917-1920
The article is devoted to the history of formation, development and functioning of military counterintelligence in the Murmansk region during 1917-1920. On the basis of concrete historical material the author shows the main principles of local counterespionage bodies staffing and their employees' financial position.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):77-82

Ethnic Factor in Nazi Occupation Policy During the First Stage of the Great Patriotic War (June 1941 - November 1942)
In the article the author analyzes the main aspects of the Nazi government ethnic policy implemented on the occupied territory of the Soviet Union during the first stage of the Great Patriotic War (June 1941 - November 1942) in the «civic» sphere (local administering, regulating ethno-cultural activities, mobilizing labor force, etc.). The authour shows the peculiarities of using the «ethnic factor» by Nazi occupants, and identifies its main trends, including promotion of nationalism, separatism, and russophobia, as well as the contradictions of the Nazi policies in the matter of granting self-government to the peoples of the Soviet Union.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):83-100

Naval Raids of the Rus and al-Mas'udi's Image of the World
The paper presents the reconstruction of methods of great Arab-Islamic scholar al-Mas'udi in his work «The Meadows of Gold…». The comparative analysis of the material on the naval raids of the Rus' in al-Mas'udi's text and the works of other Arab geographers leads the author to the hypothesis that the story of «Russian naval raid» on al-Andalus is nothing more than al-Mas'udi's speculative deduction based on the cartographical image of Europe typical of the Arab science of that period.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):101-109

Image of China in Consciousness of Russian Educated Society of the 17th - early 20th Centuries
The article analyses the role of the concept of 'image' in the anthropological interpretation of the history of public consciousness, the specificity of source and method study of historical-anthropological research and the evolution of the image of China in the Russian society in the 17th - early 20th centuries.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):110-126

«Stores» to draw Information from: Notion of «Historical Source» in Works of 18th Century Russian Historians
The author considers the process of introduction of the notion «historical source» in the conceptual-terminological system of the historical science in the 18th century. In the first half of the 18th century the word «source» meant the beginning of something. Therefore it wasn't used by historians to designate historical materials, on which their works were based. In 1750 G.F. Muller laid the foundation of the semantic transformation of this notion: «source» is something to draw information from. At the beginning of the 19th century A.L. Schlozer finally assigned the function of information carrier to the notion «source» - everything from which one can get historical information.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):127-140

Principal Teaching Aids, Abstracts and Papers for Scientific Conferences of the Russian History Chair of Peoples` Friendship University of Russia in 2010
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):141-143

Great Patriotic War: Actual Problems of Modern Historical Science. Results of 14th All-Russian Scientific Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scholars
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):144-145

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):146-147

Trebovaniyak rukopisyam, predstavlyaemym v redaktsionnuyu kollegiyuperiodicheskogo izdaniya (nauchnogo zhurnala)«Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov.Seriya Istoriya Rossii»
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(3):148-148