No 1 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Project Articles don't Quite Correspond to the Russian Laws Spirit: Codification of Law System under Emperor Alexander I
The article deals with the works on Russian legislation systematizing under Emperor Alexander I reign. It also analyzes the process of civil and criminal codes preparation, the struggle connected with the acceptance of the civil code project by M.M. Speransky and further destiny of this bill. Various points of view on the character of borrowings from the West European codes are presented in the article as well.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):5-17

Corrupt Practice of Ryazan Province Local Authorities on the Eve of Peasant Reform of 1861
The article is about corrupt practice of Ryazan province local authorities at the end of 50s 19th century. First and foremost native and foreign literature on bribe history in pre-revolutionary Russia is stated and it is marked that there are still very few official facts on bribe taking in Russia to be exposed. The author pays particular attention to a special note discovered by him in the Record office of III department of His Imperial Majesty chancellery which fulfils our folkways on the level and proportions of extortion and corruption in the Russian province in the middle of 19th century to a considerable degree.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):18-26

The Problem of Alternative Models of Russian Modernization: Russian Democratic Reforms Party's Ideology in Early 20th Century
The Democratic reforms Party's ideology which corresponds to the ideological precursor of Russian progressism at the beginning of the 20 th century is analyzed in the article. Besides it the article covers the system of political, legal, moral, philosophic views and ideas of DPR followers. Special attention is paid to analysis of DRP's «edaphic model» of democracy.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):27-39

Economic Culture and Economic Behaviour of Russian Old Believers in 18-19th Centuries: Value and Institutional Approach
The article clarifies a modern state of business culture history. The new approach to studying this aspect is offered in the article. The research model is verified on the Old Belief community material. The analysis has demonstrated that the fundamentals of Old Believers economic culture were formed with such traits as self-importance and priority of deed, economic activity, recognition of excessive work as necessary, personal responsibility for somebody's own business, etc. The system of spiritual values and moral institutions conditioned formally contradictory forms of business behaviour too.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):40-57

Trade Unions as Regulation Tools of Social Relations in USSR in 1920s (by Example of «Georgian Marganese« Concession)
The article analyzes interaction between central directorate of Georgian trade unions and senior trade unions of the USSR, between «Georgian Marganese» concessioner and trade unions and Central Concession Committee on rights protection of the Soviet concessional workers and employees during New Economic Policy period.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):58-65

Polytechnic Reform of Soviet School: from Idea to Its Palliative Realization (on the Basis of North Ossetian Materials)
The article is devoted to the problem of realization of polytechnic education at the soviet school in the middle of 1950th - the middle of 1960th years. All stages from elaboration to realization of the idea in practice are observed on the basis of North Ossetian materials. The author discovers the reform's influence on the matter of educational work at school, analyses the causes of failure and the results of its realization.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):66-76

Polish Revolt of 1863 in Destinies of Old Believers of the Northwest Territory of Russian Empire
The article is devoted to the problems of a legal status of Old Believers of Russian empire in the middle of 19th century. The comparative analysis of the Russian legislation allows the author to draw a conclusion on religious intolerance of the state and «prevailing» Orthodox Church to the old belief population of empire. The special attention is paid to the position of Old Believers of Northwest Territory who during the Polish revolt in 1863 acted on the side of Russia. The reaction of the territory administration to attempts of Old Believers to expand border of religious freedom is considered in the article.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):77-92

Views of P.A. Krushevan on the National Problem in Russia: Moldavian or Russian Nationalist
The article deals with the national identity of P.A. Krushevan. Being of Moldavian nationality, he was a Russian conservative writer and journalist. At the beginning of the 19th century he served as a Russian nationalist in the political arena. The author shows that he was a supporter of Moldavian national traditions and a personality of the Moldavian national movement. At the same time Krushevan was an «imperial nationalist» and a Russian statesman. In behalf of Bessarabia peasants, he exposed the economic activity of «plutocracy», but he was a stranger to domestic anti-Semitism.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):93-106

Captivity of the Great War on the Eastern Front: Traditions of «Belle Epoque» and Tendencies of «Total War»
Taking the example of the prisoners of war during the First World War, the article analyses the continuity and the discontinuity in the process of the «totalization of acts of war» around which discussions among Western military historians are not likely to calm down any time soon. The simultaneity and the linkage of new tendencies and traditional structures are examined in the example of some important aspects of the German system of captivity: international law, national propaganda, maintenance of officers and soldiers in the camps to which up to now not enough attention has been paid.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):107-119

Russian-Ukrainian Security Cooperation in the Black Sea Region
In his article the author analyzes the modern condition and prospects of cooperation of Russia and Ukraine in protection of the Black Sea region. This agenda is considered in the light of national interests of both countries, the attention accentuates on current problems in the development of the two countries' relations in this area of cooperation, and importance of this cooperation not only for Russia and Ukraine, but all the Black Sea region is also estimated.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):120-133

Spain and Russia in the North Pacific
The article deals with the first significant contact between the Russians and the Spanish during their colonization of California and the Pacific Northwest, which happened on the first Russian permanent settlement on Kodiak Island. The report of the captain of the Spanish paquetbot «La Princesa» Gonzalo Lopez del Aro, offered for the publication, investigates the Russians and their settlement.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):134-148

Dissertational Council D 212.203.03 in Peoples` Friendship University of Russia in the second half of 2010
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):149-153

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):154-155

Trebovaniyak rukopisyam, predstavlyaemym v redaktsionnuyu kollegiyuperiodicheskogo izdaniya (nauchnogo zhurnala)«Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov.Seriya Istoriya Rossii»
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2011;(1):156-156