Project Articles don't Quite Correspond to the Russian Laws Spirit: Codification of Law System under Emperor Alexander I
- Authors: Ruzhitskaya IV1
- The Center of History of Russia in 19th centuryInstitute of the Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: No 1 (2011)
- Pages: 5-17
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
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The article deals with the works on Russian legislation systematizing under Emperor Alexander I reign. It also analyzes the process of civil and criminal codes preparation, the struggle connected with the acceptance of the civil code project by M.M. Speransky and further destiny of this bill. Various points of view on the character of borrowings from the West European codes are presented in the article as well.
About the authors
I V Ruzhitskaya
The Center of History of Russia in 19th centuryInstitute of the Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Center of History of Russia in 19th centuryInstitute of the Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences