No 4 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 16
- URL:
National policy of the finnish government on the occupied territory of Karelia in 1941-1944
The paper outlines that the occupation policy of the Finnish military administration on the territory of the Soviet Karelia in 1941-1944 was based on the idea of dividing the residents on the Finno-Ugric population (indigenous) with the number of privileges and non-Finno-Ugric one (not indigenous) which was deprived of any privileges. Moreover, half of the non-native population (Russians, most of all) was settled in the concentration (emigrant) camps. The paper covers the means of the ideological influence on the native population of Karelia (Karelians, Finns, Ingermanlands, Vepsians) who was considered to be the future residents of the «Great Finland».
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):5-19

Political and war collaboration in the south of Russia (the years of fascist occupation 1941-1943)
The paper investigates the problem of political and war collaboration which was wide-spread in the South of Russia guring the Great Patriotic war in spite of the fact that Hitler tried to limit collaboration particularly in the political war sphere.
The causes of that were political, social-economic, national and religions factors.
They gave birth to a large number of unsatisfied people by the Soviet power especially among cosaks and people living in the North Caucasus.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):20-34

Reforms of state management 1801-1802: projects and realization
The article analyzes reforms of the beginning of Alexander I reign in connection with Paul I`s modernization plan and as a result of legislative activities of different opposite groups, encircled the young emperor. It gives the opportunity to understand the conflicting nature of reforms 1801-1802, representing complex interlocking designs supporters as an evolutionary and radical ways of development of Russian statehood.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):35-51

«Klikushestvo»: emotions and authorities (on Urals of 19th - early 20th centuries materials)
The author makes an attempt to illustrate the inclusion of the emotional sphere into social communicative practices basing on the analysis of the phenomenon «klikushestvo». According to the data of psychiatrists, the state of a women in time of affect could not be regarded as an emotional act not controlled culturally and socially. An analysis of emotions (affects) in religious practice makes possible the attitude to an affect as an act within the frameworks of social interaction which demands considerable participation of a body and it makes the gestures of the body and emotions power acts
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):52-59

Cleanings of state institutions in 1929-1932 as the Soviet method of struggle against bureaucratism
The article is about consecutive cleanings of the state institutions, known as «general cleaning». General cleanings were campaigns always organised «from above». Cleanings were not the casual phenomenon but were a logic consequence of a current political and social situation in the country.
The author focuses attention to the decision of following questions: what was the reason of campaign expansions, what methods used at general cleanings, what yielded results and how much was its significance for Soviest history.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):60-74

Main tendencies of democratically-reformist thoughts development of Russian neighborhood in the 1920-1930s
There are main tendencies of democratically-reformist thoughts development of russian neighbourhood in the 1920-1930's analyzed in the article, which were charachterized by its refusal of revolutionary violence and synthesis of democratical values and true socialism. The author analyses its model of reorganisation of post-bolshevik Russia and shows its socially-oriented direction. The special attention is paid to the search of new tactical solution by liberal political forces, which found the reflection in a paltform of Republican-democrat association, one of its association leaders was P.N. Milukov.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):75-84

Factors of regional specific in enterprise history in 19th - early 20th centuries
This article discusses the specific features of business ethics in the field of labour relations entrepreneurs textile production late 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. The author examines the factors affecting business ethics at major factories of the central industrial area.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):85-96

The First Balkan War and Russian society
The article is devoted to the problem relationships of power and society on the eve of the First world war, the struggle of opinion of one of the important directions of Russian foreign - the Middle East on the example of the First Balkan war of 1912-1913. Investigation is based on the study of wide circle of sources: Russian before-revolution press, archives, memoirs.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):97-110

Austro-Hungary peoples in World War I in Vision of russianantagonist
The article is devoted relation of Russia to the peoples of the Austro-Hungary during the first world war. The author examines the ethnic composition of the Austro-Hungarian army, the attitude of Russians to representatives of the different peoples Austro-Hungarian, policy of the Russian authorities in respect of prisoners of war from the Austro-Hungarian nationals.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):111-127

Siberian yasak population census the first half 19th century (new materials)
In the article forms and registration methods of yasak-payers from among Siberia indigenous peoples are investigated, the moments of principal changes in state render policy are observed caused by process of going deep integration of Siberian «foreigners» in social and economic system of the Russian empire. For the first time, on the basis of the archival materials analysis, the events connected with attempt of carrying out of large-scale yasak population census undertaken in 1746-1753 are reconstructed. The Author comes to a conclusion this very action promoted development of basic ideas by which Catherine II government subsequently was guided at carrying out of the first yasak reforms of 1763-1769.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):128-136

Theater reform of 1882 and its impact on the financial situation of the Imperial Drama Theaters in Russia at the end of the 19th century
The impact of the theatrical reform of 1882 on the Financial Situation of the Imperial drama theaters in Russia at the end of the 19th century is considered in the paper. Examined are the renewals, changes, and the essence of the theater's existence. The facts of the most important drama theater phenomena in the history of the Russian culture of the end of the 19th century are included. The author analyzes the state of the Russian culture of this period.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):137-149

International cooperation of the faculty of the Russian High School. Activity of program TEMPUS
In article the basic directions, forms and methods of the international cooperation of the faculty of the Russian high schools are analyzed. Contacts to foreign colleagues, trip abroad, interaction of teachers to scientific funds and the organisations are especially marked. Article is written on actual materials since 1995 on the present. Besides, activity of program TEMPUS is shown, and also the academic mobility, as one of priority directions of the international cooperation of teachers of the Russian and foreign high schools is analysed.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):150-157

«State and development of education in Russia of 18th - 20th Centuries: Politics, institutions, personalities». Final results of the 13th All-Russian Scientific Practical Conference. Moscow, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. May 14-15, 2009
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):158-167

«The 50th anniversary of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia: International experience of the specialist's preparation for the USSR, Russia and foreign countries». Final results of the 11th All-Russian Scientific Practical Conference of students and young researches. Moscow, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Moscow, Peoples' friendship university of Russia. April 17-18, 2009
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):168-172

Friend, researcher, of culture traditions. 50th Anniversary of Marina Nikolayevna Moseykina
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):173-175

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(4):176-177