Trade, Economic and Political Relations between Soviet Russia and the Chinese Province of Xinjiang in 1921-1922
- Authors: Shemetova T.A.1
- Altai State Pedagogical University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 1 (2023): The Peoples of Russia in the System of Transnational Relations in Siberia, China and Central Asia
- Pages: 85-96
- URL:
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The author analyzes the features and results of trade, economic and political relations of the Chinese province of Xinjiang with Soviet Russia and the USSR in 1921-1922. The main sources for the preparation of the article were historical and archival materials on the trade and economic relations of Xinjiang with Russia and the Soviet Union (1896-1949) in Chinese, as well as documents from a number of Moscow archives (the Russian State Archive of Economics, the Russian State Military Archive, the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation). The analysis showed that during the period under review the Soviet-Xinjiang trade, economic and political relations were rather ambiguous. This is evidenced by statistical data on the volume of trade for 1921 and 1922, which, despite the measures taken by Moscow, did not increase. In addition, it should be emphasized that the range and list of goods supplied by the parties changed significantly. The author comes to the conclusion that in 1921-1922 there did not take place the final restoration and development of all-round ties between the Soviet Union and the Chinese province of Xinjiang. It was the Soviet leadership that was the initiator of the bilateral rapprochement.
About the authors
Tamara A. Shemetova
Altai State Pedagogical University
Author for correspondence.
PhD in History, Associate Professor of the General History Department, Director of the Institute of History, Social Communications and Law 55, Molodezhnaya Str., Barnaul, 656031, Russia
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