
Relationship of Russian Merchants with the Tuvan Population in the Second Half of the 19th - Early 20th Century
Kiskidosova T.A.
Industrial Development of the National Republics of the Volga-Vyatka Region during the Implementation of the Reform of Industry and Construction Management in 1957-1965
Mineev A.I.
Trade, Economic and Political Relations between Soviet Russia and the Chinese Province of Xinjiang in 1921-1922
Shemetova T.A.
The Activities of Foreign Entrepreneurs in the Amur Region as Reflected in the Regional Press of the 1860s
Petrunina Z.V., Shusharina G.A.
Governmental Discussion on the Private Capital Participation in the Trans-Caspian Railway Construction in the Late XIX Century
Toktamysov S.Z.
M.K. Ammosov: A Prominent National Leaderof the Early Soviet Period
Burnasheva N.I., Ignatieva V.B.
Russian Exporters to Iran vs Transcaucasian Transit of European Goods in the Early 1880s
Kornoukhova G.G.
The Russian Commercial Fleet in the Treaty Ports of China in the Second Half of the 19th Century
Hamzin I.R.
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