The article is devoted to the activities of the prominent Soviet politician and statesman M.K. Ammosov (1897-1938), who devoted his life to revolutionary transformations and the formation of a socialist economy in the Yakut Republic, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The article considers the ideas of M.K. Ammosov concerning the socialist reconstruction of the national regions, and in particular of the households of nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples. Practical work to boost regional economies occupied a central place in M.K. Ammosov’s activities and was based on a comprehensive scientifi c study of productive forces and human resources. His goal was the organic integration of the economy of the perphery into the Soviet national economic system. Thanks to the eff orts of M.K. Ammosov, the economic development of the national republics accelerated, in accordance with the centuries-old aspirations of the peoples to overcome poverty and misery. M.K. Ammosov is analyzed here for the fi rst time from the point of view of his contribution to the economy of the USSR’s national periphery, and to its gradual inclusion into the processes of socialist construction. The development of the economy of the national regions in the early Soviet period largely depended on the organizational qualities and human principles of regional leaders and their selfl ess and honest service to the interests of the Soviet state. Accordingly, considerable attention is paid to M.K. Ammosov’s work among the people. When making decisions on governmental level he proceeded according to the interests and needs of society. Precisely such leadership qualities as someone who knows how to organically combine state and public interests elevated M.K. Ammosov to the highest political Olymp; at the same time these qualities exposed him to political repression. The article concludes that M.K. Ammosov’s thoughts and deeds to benefi t the working people went far beyond the framework of central planning and entered into an insurmountable confl ict with the then accepted practices of administrative management.