From Sloboda province to Kharkov governorate: the reform of administrative-territorial structure of Sloboda Ukraine in 1780
- Authors: Khitrov D.A.1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 18, No 3 (2019): TRANSNATIONAL ЕXCHANGE
- Pages: 525-539
- URL:
- DOI:
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The present article investigates the implementation of the 1775 provincial reform on the territory of the Kharkiv namestnichestvo (viceroyalty). The provincial reform entailed a restructuring of the entire system of local government. These issues are of particular interest in contact zones, territories with heterogeneous populations, where social structures and administrative units of diff erent historical origins coexisted. One of these is the territory of Sloboda Ukraine, where until the opening of the Kharkiv namestnichestvo in 1780, the uezd division, characteristic of territories occupied by Russian colonization, was combined with the Ukrainian regimental structure that dated back to the second half of the 17th century. On the basis of maps and lists of settlements dating from the 1770s-1780s, the author reconstructed the maps of the administrative division of the territory of Kharkiv namestnichestvo before and after the reform. Before the reform the lands were organized in four regiments ( polks ) and seven districts ( uezds ), all with clearly defi ned boundaries. At the opening of the namestnichestvo , 15 uezds were created; the boundaries changed greatly, but each of the uezd centers preserved a signifi cant part of the land that had been associated with it earlier. The article demonstrates that after the reform, 13 of the 15 uezd towns were former regimental towns and villages. This seems to refl ect the gradual increase in infl uence of the Sloboda Cossack elite, which by this time was seeking recognition of its noble status and becoming the dominant social force in the region.
Full text / tables, figures
Figure 1. Administrative borders in 1779
Seurce: The map was compiled by the author.
Figure 2. The formation of the new system of administrative division
Seurce: The map was compiled by the author.
Figure 3. The redistribution of territories among the administrative centers, 1779-1784
Seurce: The map was compiled by the author.
Appendix. Maps of suburban regiments and adjacent territories for 1779
Figure 1. Akhtyrka regiment and surrounding territories, 1779
Seurce: The map was compiled by the author.
Figure 2. Sumy regiment and surrounding territories, 1779
Seurce: The map was compiled by the author.
Figure 3. Kharkov regiment and surrounding territories, 1779
Seurce: The map was compiled by the author.
Figure 4. Izoum regiment and surrounding territories, 1779
Seurce: The map was compiled by the author.
About the authors
Dmitry A. Khitrov
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Kandidat Istoricheskikh Nauk [Ph.D. in History], Associate Professor at the Department of RussianHistory until the 19th Century, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
27 Lomonosov Prospect, bldg. 4, Moscow, 119192, RussiaReferences
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