Vol 7, No 4 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1376
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2020-7-4
Full Issue
Public administration: theory and practice
The Role of State Corporations in the Russian Economy (as in the Case of “Rosatom” and “Rostec” State Corporations)
The article is devoted to the study of the role of state corporations in the economy of the Russian Federation as in the case of “Rosatom” and “Rostec”. The authors analyze the existing concept of “state corporation”, Russian and foreign practices. The article presents the results of the research of economic features based on reports published on official website of Russian state corporation, as well as prospects of Russian state corporations are identified. At the present stage of development and operation of Russian state corporations, society increasingly sees their products, but it doesn’t even suspect that these are domestic products that meet all international standards, which are also exported to many countries of the world. Products, goods and services are exported to North and South America, Europe, Central and South-East Asia, and Africa. In a relatively short period of existence and operation, Russian state corporations have increased their revenues and have made a significant contribution to the prosperity of country’s economy.

Business Methods for Certification of Government Employees in the Russian Federation: Problems and Prospects
This article provides a brief overview of the ongoing changes in the methodology for evaluating and selecting personnel in government agencies of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the details of ongoing reforms in the current macroeconomic context. The article covers expected consequences of the planned unified approach to certification of civil servants in all state bodies of the Russian Federation using examples of existing business structures that already use the new methods. The author comes to the conclusion that disproportionate powers of managers in any departments and strictly formalized criteria for certification of civil servants, which came from the commercial sphere, will negatively affect the motivation of civil servants, the quality of their work with citizens, and lead to erosion of the civil service ethics. The ongoing reform may potentially result in a loss of public trust to state institutions.

Good Governance and Service Delivery in Selected Municipalities: The Case Study of East and West Gojjam Zones of Amhara Regional State
This study underpinned assessing good governance and service delivery in East and West Gojjam Zones. The researchers used a mixed research approach and employed convergent parallel research design. The researchers depend on both probability and non-probability sampling technique to select the research participants while simple random sampling was applied to select the municipalities from each zone and those who have filled the questionnaires were accidentally selected. Purposive and proportional sampling techniques were used to select the key informants of the study and to determine the sample size respectively. Questionnaires, key informant interviews and FGDs were held to gather the primary data which were further supported by secondary data. Data was presented by using tables and the researchers used thematic and simple descriptive analysis techniques. The study found that the major principles of good governance were not fully exercised and implemented in the study area. The study also revealed that rules and regulations of the municipality were not clearly known or understood by the customers. Despite the existence of rules and regulations in the municipality, customers were not served accordingly. The study additionally found that good governance plays a role in enhancing service delivery in the municipalities. Finally, the study found out that there are various challenges or obstacles that can undermine the practice of good governance while delivering service to the municipality customers. Therefore, the study concluded that the practice of good governance in the provision of service delivery was poor in the municipality. To this end the study recommended that the municipalities should strictly adhere to the principles of good governance and thereby they can enhance service delivery.

The African Peace and Security Architecture as a Tool for the Maintenance of Peace and Security. Part 2
This study critically explores the extent to which the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) (such as the African Standby Force (ASF), the Continental Early Warning System (CEWS), Panel of the Wise (PoW) and the Peace Fund (PF)) have been successful in achieving their institutional objectives, as well as the degree to which they are able to contribute to the work of the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU PSC). The AU PSC as a key pillar of the APSA is the main decision-making body regarding issues of peace and security. In order to achieve its responsibility, the AU PSC shall be supported by the African Standby Force, the Continental Early Warning System, Panel of the Wise and the Peace Fund. APSA is the umbrella term for the key African Union (AU) mechanisms for promoting peace, security and stability in the African continent. More specifically, it is an operational structure for the effective implementation of the decisions taken in the areas of conflict prevention, peace-making, peace support operations and intervention, as well as peace-building and post-conflict reconstruction. APSA is envisioned as a means by which Africa can take a greater role in managing peace and security on the continent, with the objective of offering “African solutions to African problems”.

Optimization of the Implementation of Village Government in Indonesia
The issuance of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, positioning villages as the spearhead of national development. The existence of a village law also provides clarity about the position and the authority of the village government in managing village household affairs. The regulation also regulates government policies regarding the allocation of village funds which allows them to be used to develop their potential. In addition, the village policy gives villages a source of funds and adequate authority to improve the welfare of the village community. Regulations that provide substantial authority and responsibility to villages must certainly be balanced with the implementation of village governments that are able to commit to running good governance. In implementing the policy, it turns out that there are still cases of misappropriation of the allocation of village funds by the village government apparatus. This paper will explain the analysis related to the importance of village governance in implementing the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2014 using the rational bureaucracy theory put forward by M. Weber.

Multi-vector Management of Soft Power Policies: Will Russian Soft Power Be Victimized by the Moscow-Erdogan Association?
This article analyzes the potential impact of Turkey’s foreign policy on Russia’s soft power in several regions of the world. The author believes that the policy of President R.T. Erdogan in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Aegean Sea can cause significant damage to the image and international prestige of Moscow. The article argues that Russian policy should minimize the “toxic” impact of R.T. Erdogan’s foreign policy on Russia’s soft power in the considered regions.

Virtual State: Scoping Review of Russian Political and Social Sciences
This review focuses on analysis and determination of problematic field based on phenomena and related concepts such as micronation, cyber-state, virtual state and others. Actualization of this topic is carried out due to the technological development of modern society, the emergence of new social, political, economic and other actors, the concentration of a large amount of resources by them which could make them an influential power or an alternative of social and political organization. Using scoping methods, comparative and content analysis, as well as services of network and statistical analysis the article examines the level of virtual states’ embeddedness into Russian political and social sciences, the formation of the corresponding research field, direction or school. Special attention is paid to the Russian segment of world science in the framework of the study of virtual states and problems are faced by Russian researchers. This will allow researchers to see the context, the most relevant areas of work, help to correctly use the concepts in Russian and English academic texts.

Deepfakes: Prospects for Political Use and Threats to the Individual and National Security
The article analyzes the potential of using deepfake technologies for political purposes. It is noted that in the near future, deepfakes may affect various levels of public and political life and contribute to the spread of a wide range of threats: from reputational risks for celebrities and individuals, to the development of organized crime and problems of social stability and national security. The authors evaluate potential threats, prospects and main directions of state regulation of deepfake content in the broader context of political and legislative initiatives to counter the spread of disinformation and fake news.

Student-oriented Learning and “Living Values” of the University: Strategic Interaction
The purpose of the article is to consider possible ways to improve the effectiveness of student-oriented education in Russian universities through strategic interaction with the basic principles of their life. It is well known that the involvement of students in the management of higher education institutions (HEIs), their active participation in determining the individual trajectories of their professional training increases the motivation of students, and therefore the quality of education. To do this, it is necessary not only to fix the principles of student self-government in the local regulations of the University, but also to build mechanisms for implementing these principles. In particular, this can be expressed in the structure and content of educational programs developed in accordance with educational standards, consisting of a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in educational relations. Project-based learning will help bridge the gap between theory and practice in teaching students. Inclusive education should be provided not only with infrastructure, but also with special training of teachers and the inclusion of specialized adaptation modules in educational programs. To ensure quality control of students ' knowledge, the professional level of teachers and the organization of the educational process, intra-University quality management systems for training specialists are being created.an important element of this system should also be the structure of student self-government. It is also necessary to understand that student-oriented learning is not limited to the educational process, but covers the organization of campus life, the possibility of self-realization of students in various public organizations, in creative teams, i.e. it is inextricably linked to the entire system of principles, goals, priorities - the “Living Values” of the University. In the context of improving the competitiveness of education in Russian universities, the article identifies and justifies ways to improve the effectiveness of student-oriented learning. In particular, there was a high demand for the possibility of students’ influence on their individual learning paths, self-realization through participation in projects, both in the educational process and in public life. The research uses the results of sociological research based on surveys of students and teachers, including online surveys, as well as the practice of organizing the educational process and extracurricular activities in Russian universities. The results obtained can be used to further improve the development strategies of higher education institutions, including to increase their attractiveness for foreign students.