Individual Values and Ideological Attitudes as Predictors of Prejudice against Others
- Authors: Shamionov R.M1
- Saratov State University
- Issue: Vol 16, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 309-326
- URL:
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The growth of social competition and modern trends of economic and social integration in the world encourage the study of the discriminatory attitudes of individuals and groups as a significant barrier in the implementation of these processes. Despite the search for various grounds and factors for the development of discriminatory attitudes, studies of specific attitudes and values towards specific and generalized discriminated groups remain relevant. The aim of this research is to study the role of individual values and ideological attitudes in predicting the prejudice against Others. The study involved 217 people (men - 36 %), mean age M = 28.9; SD = 11.2.Aquestionnaire aimed at assessing the severity of the discriminatory attitude towards the representatives of a number of groups was used. The expression of values is determined by the Sh. Schwartz method. To assess the ideological attitudes of the right-wing authoritarianism, social domination, and belief in a dangerous and competitive world, we used a short version of J. Duckitt’s methodology by D.S. Grigoriev. As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, four generalized discriminated groups were identified: socially unprotected, dissident, outsider groups and social status groups. The data characterizing the ratio of ideological attitudes and the severity of discrimination of individual groups, as well as generalized groups was obtained. Based on structural modeling the common and specific values for each generalized discriminated group were identified.
About the authors
Rail M Shamionov
Saratov State University
Author for correspondence.
доктор психологических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой социальной психологии, образования и развития
83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov, 410012, Russian FederationReferences
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