Hypothesis of the research: “There are interrelations of level of migratory attitudes and the level of subjective control in the inhabitants of Magadan as a migration-mobile region, which can be specific in different spheres” is verified on the sample consisting of 62 Magadan inhabitants. Research methods: the proprietary “Scale of migratory attitudes” and a technique “Level of subjective control” by E.F. Bazhin,Golynkina, A.M. Etkind. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis on scales of general internality, internality in interpersonal relations and internality of health and illness. It was revealed that migratory attitudes in Magadan inhabitants from contrast groups (in externals and internals) are more fully formed. The inhabitants of Magadan considering themselves capable to control their interpersonal relations, and in their migratory attitudes reckon with the attitudes of the relatives and their expectations, though not always share them fully. The inhabitants of Magadan considering themselves responsible for the condition of their health express more fully formed migratory attitudes (including the attitudes of relatives and their expectation) in comparison with the “fatalists” in this sphere