Trans-Regional Partnership of the BRICS Countries as a Factor of Modern World Politics
- Authors: Konkin AA1
- Moscow State Institute of International Relations
- Issue: Vol 19, No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 150-160
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to the existing problematic issues and future directions of cooperation of BRICS members in the association. The article stresses the need for timely and rapid transition from a traditional way of raw and industrial to innovation and industrial and high-tech economic. In addition, we addressed the priority issues and challenges of each country and the necessity of combining their joint solutions in the key expansion of mutual cooperation and maximize coordination. BRICS brings together the need for modernization and economic and social life. The article raised the issue of Russia's interests in the BRICS in the light of the present political situation in the world.
About the authors
A A Konkin
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Author for correspondence.
Vernadskogo prosp., 76, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119454
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