No 2 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 22
- URL:
Editorial note
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):5

The destiny of a person in L.P. Karsavin’s philosophy of history
In the article analyses L.P. Karsavin’s concept of a person in his philosophy of history. Opens the specificity of Karsavin’s understanding of a person in the framework of Vl. Solovyov’s All-Unity and differences from Berdyaev’s personalism. The author comes to conclusion that Karsavin’s philosophy of history has personalistic character and in it reproduced the most systematic in Russian metaphysics experience of studying and understanding forms and types of personality in history of world and Russian culture.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):16-23

Social regulation and morality (on the issue of sources of moral normativity)
The paper analyzes the interpretation of sources of moral normativity that is based on the combined need of human societies to maintain their order, unity and competitive strength. The main flaws of this interpretation are the ungrounded pretension to the exclusive position in ethical theory, the lack of ability to explain some features of morality, and the incapacity to combine its adequate explanation with adequate justification.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):24-34

The phenomenon of love in Russian cultural tradition
The article is devoted to the research of the particularity of the phenomena of love in Russian cultural tradition. This phenomena is studied through the prism of Russian folklore, Russian classic literature, romance, secular paintings of the age of Enlightenment and Orthodox art. In this research the author pays particular attention to the judgments of the Russian philosophers abroad: N.A. Berdiaev, I.A. Ilyin, G.P. Fedotov.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):35-41

System of the ethical categories: metaphysical experience of Russian identity
Categories of the ethical science reveal moral essence of human existence, consciousness and moral paradox of human activities in the crisis of moral and civilizational identity in the multicultural globalized world. Metaphysical approach to ethical categories expands ethical science instruments with regard to their internal system, the genesis and function.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):42-49

Notion of the ethical Issues in A. Badiou’s work “Ethics: an Essay on the Understanding of Evil”
Article is devoted to considering the notion of ethical issues in a situation of post-modern philosophizing (with its denying the repeating the identical and accentuation the idea of finding unique situation). The paper focuses on the basis of the ethics of truths of A. Badiou in his theory of the event that assumes the understanding of the man as the subject of approving the ability to overcome the «being-to-death» (that determines the specificity of the subject of ethical inquiry).
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):50-57

Concepts of “chaos” and “evil” correlation in history of philosophical thought
The examples of ethical interpretation of “chaos” by such philosophers as Plotinus, S. Kierkegaard, V. Soloviev, M. Scheler, N. Berdyaev are analyzed in the article. It is argued that all these interpretations demonstrate the connection between concepts of “chaos” and “evil”. It is proven that theories about ethical content of concept of “chaos” are based on ideas of God as the source of order.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):58-65

Moral dilemmas
In the articles it is considered approaches of contemporary philosophers to the problem of moral dilemmas. It is discussed the character of moral dilemmas, their emotional expressions from the side of the moral choice subject, and the ways of their reconciliation.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):66-82

The crisis of national culture in the era of globalization
The article is devoted to the problem of the crisis of national cultures in the modern era of globalization. The paper analyses causes and consequences of the crisis, such as processes of disintegration of society, multicultural interaction problems. The authors conclude that the way out of the modern crisis of national cultures is not impossible without ethical approach and a development of sustainable system of values and ideals, uniting nations of multinational states.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):83-91

Global ethos: experience of the concept formalization
The article considers the problem of the difficulty of defining the “global ethos” concept. Some difficulties are arisen from the formal content of this concept and combining in it different characteristics according social action and activity. Such characteristics are connected with values, motives, and heuristics which suggests that ethos is not so much a practical system of value preferences and does not refer to the Ethics as a real and actual things to the proper. Thereforу ethos should be thought as a complex of hierarchic motives, values, interests and manifestations of the rational and irrational. However, the integration and coherence of social activity creates a reason for the emergence of a global ethos.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):92-106

Nature of ethical thinking: modern researches review
The results of modern natural-scientific and interdisciplinary studies of moral thinking are examined in this paper. In the course of numerous experiments it was revealed that the certain neurophysiological specificity of individual brain cortex parts сorrelates with certain aspects of moral thinking and behavior. This allows to suppose that moral thinking has not only social but biological grounds, and itself represents both conscious and unconscious brain structures. As a result of natural-scientific researches the notion of relation between emotional and rational components of morality is transformed and essentially new approach to moral studies is formed.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):107-118

Professional identity of a woman: modern contradictions
The article is divided to professional identity of woman. The article analyzes the notion of professional identity in the historical context, social status of a professional related with his or her area; way of professional identity of woman in traditional, industrial and modern society. The result of the research is as follows: professional identity of woman requires to donate not only the traditional role of women in a family, but also to hold opposite values and ideals. As a result it is very difficult for a modern woman to form a complete, non-controversial system of values.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):119-128

Self-identification and gender identity construction in the internet communication
The author helms the reader to the problem of self-identification in the Internet communication focusing on its gender aspects. The connection between the Internet communication subject and the nomadic one is highlighted. The virtual communication impact on language personality is touched upon. The author makes a hypothesis of the binary structure which can be attributed to the Internet communication unitary subject revealing gender dimension in both components.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):129-144

Moral evaluation of technics
The article is devoted to definition of essence of modern technology, its moral evaluation and defining the place in the structure of the modern civilization. It is noted that the moral evaluation of technics includes its ethical reflection, and also searching for ways out of the crisis generated by the equipment and technogenic civilization.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):145-151

Ecological ethics and discounting of the future
The article is focused on the ethical issues of wealth and damage distribution between different generations. It discusses the differences between the position of utilitarianism, calling to the equal assessing of the interests of all persons, regardless of time of their existence, and economic practice of discounting, placing less value to future generations. It is concluded that in addressing global environmental issues value judgments of ethical character play crucial role.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):152-160

Moral bases of professional activity of the subject
The article is considered concepts of a goal-setting and motivation within professional activity. These factors are interconnected and are key in professional activity of the subject, in many respects defining its efficiency. In the course of work the subject comprehends «due» within a profession, and it influences its goal-setting and motives not only in professional, but other activity.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):161-166

The historical and philosophical aspect of formation of a politician’s image
The article analyzes the concept of “politician image” in the historical and philosophical context. Necessity of forming the image of the sovereign, ruler arises with the appearance of a power institution and it is still increasing at the moment. The article discusses the concept of “politician image" and its changes with the age of antiquity to the present day.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):167-175

The ethics of “personal piety” in ancient egyptian thought XIII-X b.c
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):183-187

Moral assessment of the category «moneylander» in the Thomas Aquitanas and Ibn-Khaldun works
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):188-192

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(2):193-194