No 4 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 21
- URL:
Comparative analysis of modern research methods biotropic effects of space weather
The possible mechanisms of the space weather influence on biological systems are discussed. Nonlinear processes of space weather influence to bio-systems are described. Based on recent theoretical models of the dynamics of the old Sun discusses cosmogeophysical influence factors on the adaptation processes and the formation of life on Earth.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):5-10
Comparative study of testicular tissue reparative peculiarities on the model of bilateral abdominal cryptorchism in young and mature animals
Pathomorphological changes in the testes of the animal of different age groups with experimentally modeled cryptorchism are investigated. All animals were divided into 3 groups according to the time of fixation of testes in the abdominal cavity (for 2, 3 and 4 weeks). Alterations were fixed at the moment of the bringing down of testes into the scrotum, on the 14 th and the 28 th days with the consequent estimation of pathomorphological changes and dynamics of reparative potential of testicular tissue. Revealed that experimental cryptorchism leads to the significant degenerate changes in the testes, up to destruction of testicular tissue elements in animals both groups. Comparative analysis of reparative possibilities showed that in the young animals the recovery potential of testicular tissue is much higher than in mature animals.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):11-15
Meningococcal vaccine. From capsular polysaccharides of microbes to proteases
Microbial capsular polysaccharides for many years provided a highly practical public health vaccines for preventing meningococcal, pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenza infection, and typhoid fever. Their application in the form of conjugates with protein carriers eliminate the gap in protection against these infections in children under one year. Extremely promising turned out offered us a new generation of vaccines, which have synthetic peptides conjugated to a meningococcal polysaccharide. Thus, new approaches to the solution of the problem of meningococcal disease vaccination serogroup B were open. In recent years, Russian researchers first suggested to use IgA1 protease (one of the major virulence factors of microbes and almost identical for mentioned below infections) for prevention of such diseases as meningococcal of all serogroups, pneumococcus and hemophilia infections. Patented processes for producing of the vaccine define domestic priority of its production and use.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):16-22
Particular features of the development of acute coronary insufficiency in patients with ITGB3 polymorphism
ITGB3 polymorphism affects some particular features of acute coronary insufficiency (ACI) and initially determines different patients’ condition according to the genotype of comorbidity, characteristics of atherosclerotic process in the coronary arteries, speed of the development of ACI, patient’s response to stress, platelet-vascular hemostasis mechanism, tolerance to drug therapy.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):23-29
Vegetative dysfunction in patients with connective tissue dysplasia of heart
Aim: to study the clinical semiology and vegetative dysfunction in young patients with various connective tissue dysplasia of heart (CTDH). Authentic differences in frequency of various complaints occurrence and features of vegetative dysfunction syndrome are established.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):30-34
Acupuncture as a method of medical rehabilitation of elderly patients with cardiocerebrovasculyar pathology in hospital conditions
Work is devoted to the analysis of adaptogenic action of acupuncture as a method of medical rehabilitation of elderly patients with cardiocerebrovascular pathology in hospital conditions using of the psychoelectropuncture diagnostics complex “Eurasia”.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):35-38
Antiaggregant impact of vascular wall on hemocyte in hypertension patients with dyslipidemia taking simvastatin
The work purpose — to define at patients with an arterial hypertension with a dyslipidemia extent of influence simvastatin on antiaggregatory control from vessels over erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes. The arterial hypertension registered at patients with a dyslipidemia the strengthened aggregation of erythrocytes, platelets and neutrophils develops against decrease in control over it from the vascular wall, arising in many respects at the expense of violations in a lipidic exchange, activation of oxidation of lipids of plasma and weakening of generation of oxide of nitrogen and education prostacyclin. As a result of 104 week applications simvastatin at patients with an arterial hypertension with a dyslipidemia normalization of lipidic structure, processes of lipid peroxidation in plasma and blood cells and antiaggregatory ability of a vascular wall is reached.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):39-46
Influence of interval hypoxemic training and enteral oxygen therapy on bioelectric activity of the brain in children with bronchial asthma
Brain bioelectric activity of children of 8—12 years with mild and moderate bronchial asthma (BA) was studied. In patients with moderate BA the changes characterizing presence of tissue hypoxemia were revealed. The combined method of treatment including interval hypoxemic training and enteral oxygen therapy has led to normalization of brain bioelectric activity in patients with BA.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):47-52
The influence of catalaza gene polymorphism on the development of cardiovascular pathology in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Distribution analysis of alleles and genotypes of polymorphic markers C-262T catalaza gene in 90 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in connection with presence and character of attendant cardiovascular pathology was made. Detection of polymorphic gene locus was made by polymerase chain reaction. Significant differences in genotypes frequency in patients with COPD and ischemic heart disease (IHD) and without it were discovered. Sstatistically significant increase of genotype CC frequency (relation of possibilities 5,13 p = 0,01) in COPD patients with IHD showed the increased risk of such pathology in CC genotype carriers. Among COPD patients with genotype CC higher indicators of malonate dialdehyde and lower catalaza level in blood serum were detected.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):53-58
Modern approaches to administration of enterosorbatesfor treatment of acute intestinal diseases
The condition and modern possibilities of enterosorbates's administration of various groups in complex therapy of acute bacterial and virus diarrheal disease are presented. Noted that efficacy of treatment depends on early administration of medications and the selection based on their impact on pathogenic mechanisms of disease.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):59-64
Experience of using artificial movement correction with programmed muscle electrostimulation in rehabilitation after total knee arthroplasty by midvastus approach
This article is devoted to the experience and the results of using artificial movement correction with programmed muscle electrostimulation in rehabilitation of patients after total knee arthroplasty by mini-invasive midvastus approach. Obtained data suggest that this method could be recommended in early post-operative rehabilitation of patients and provides significant improvement of operated knee-joint and extremity function by decrease of limping, motor function and pacing pattern recovery.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):65-71
Posibility of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing of the shoulder joint instability
The study aims to explore the possibilities of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in detecting lesions of anatomical structures of shoulder joint. We present the results of examinations of the patients with instability of the shoulder joint. These examinations were carried out by means of a MR tomography using a high-field MR-tomograph with magnetic field intensity of 1.5 Tl. The results of the MRI diagnosis were compared with intraoperative data of diagnostic arthroscopy. Definitive diagnosis allows us to define further patient management, to correct surgery planning, to decrease sick-lists duration and improve quality of patient’s life.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):72-78
Clinical efficacy of alfa-adrenoblockers and low intensive laser therapy in complex treatment of urolithiasis
Possibility of spontaneous concretion discharge from ureter in many ways depends on efficiency of administered conservative therapy. According to the studies of several authors, confirming the presence of a1-adrenoceptors in the ureter wall, in our study we used a1-blocker tamsulosin. The probability of spontaneous concretion discharge from ureter using low intensive laser therapy and Tamsulosin increases in 3 times. It was showed that combination of low intensive laser therapy and Tamsulosin resulted to spontaneous discharge of the larger concrements comparing with traditional therapy and may be recommended for clinical practice.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):79-82
Prostate blood flow in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia complicated by urine retention
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most frequent disease among middle and old aged men and connected with increasing of lifetime of men. The incidence of the disease is 42% to 87% in different aged groups. Purpose: to improve the diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia without complications and with urine retention. 38 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia underwent transrectal sonography with estimation of blood flow by Doppler. Blood flow speed measured in subcapsular and paraurethral arteries with estimation of diameter and blood speed in veins of the paraprostatic tissue. Transrectal sonography showed the changes in the prostatic blood-flow, especially in case of urine retention. Transrectal ultrsonography plays an important role in the evaluation of the prostatic blood-flow.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):83-86
Combined methods of hernioplasty of inguinal hernias
In work three new methods of hernioplasty of the inguinal hernias, combining autodermoplasty with autoplasty are offered. In 163 (34,5%) cases preperitonealautodermoplasty in combination with autoplasty of anterior wall of the inguinal canal was applied. Long term postoperative observation (catamnesis of 11 years) revealed 6 (3,7%) relapses. Among 184 (37,8%) hernias with inguinal interspace of oval or fissured form, where consolidation of posterior wall of the inguinal canal was performed by Bassini method (North American variant) in combination with autodermoplasty, and in 140 (28,7%) patients with inguinal interspace of the triangular form of 5 cm and more in height, where the autoplasty with relaxing incision of rectus sheath in a combination with autodermoplasty was carried out, relapses were not diagnosed (catamnesis of 5 years). The differentiated approach to hernioplasty depending on a degree of destruction of posterior wall of the inguinal canal is justified by results of treatment.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):87-93
A new aproach to the treatment of cervix uteri patholog
The paper dedicated to treatment of exophytic cervical warts in case of cervix deformity. The results obtained allow us to recommend the reconstructive plastic surgery in combination with laser destruction of exophytic warts and immunomodulation therapy for the treatment of exophytic cervical warts in case of cervix deformity.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):94-98
Diagnostic and prognostic value of nucleolar proteins in the regulation of tumor cells proliferation in patients with lung carcinoma and adrenocortical cancer
We studied correlation between the degree of malignancy, prognosis, survival of oncological patients, and the number of proliferating cells (Ki-67 index), the rate of cell proliferation, the continuance of the mitotic cycle (and the expression of Ag-OYAOR-proteins-В23/nucleofozimine S23/nukleoline) in 16 patients with adrenocortical carcinoma and in 20 cases of “small” lung cancer (up to 3 cm in diameter), whose tumors were removed and long-term results were evaluated. The comparative study of proliferative activity of cells in the two groups of patients with different survival period after tumor removal showed the heterogeneity of Ki-67 index, which determined the number of proliferating cells. In the first group of patients (with a good prognosis) Ki-67 index was high, and expression of Ag-OYAOR proteins was low. At the same time, in the second group of patients, whose prognosis was poor, Ki-67 index in the tumor was low, but the expression of Ag-OYAOR-protein was high. So, we can make a conclusion, that it is impossible to discuss the degree of malignancy of the tumor and the prognosis, based only on Ki-67 index. Ag-OYAOR-protein and Ki-67 index reflect different aspects of cell proliferation: the rate of cell proliferation (Ag-OYAOR expression) and the number of proliferating cells (Ki-67 index).
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):99-103
Professional and personal qualities of experienced plastic surgeons
The necessity to study professional and personal qualities of experienced plastic surgeons due to the situation in Russia, which needs to be strengthened and consolidated team, finding additional (besides material) ways to motivate employees, to create a favorable social and psychological climate.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):104-109
Analysis of hospitalized disease incidence and activity evoluation of ent department in multi-field hospital
The article deals with the study of hospitalized disease incidence of upper respiratory tract and evaluation of activity of the ENT-department in multi-field hospital. Data analysis shows that the largest group of hospitalized patients are the patients with diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):110-114
Complex of climatic factors and mortality
In this paper, based on the data of State Statistics of causes of death, research of mortality interdependence and the width factor in Russian Federation is carried out. Findings for the planning and forecasting capabilities of health were obtained.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):115-120
Our authors
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2012;(4):121-125