Applying of speleoclimatotherapy for improving children’s health and adaptational possibilities
- Authors: Komissarova O.V.1, Dorohov E.V.1
- Burdenko State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 2 (2020)
- Pages: 176-182
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article presents the results of the use of speleoclimatotherapy in recreational activities in children of primary school age. In the course of the study, we analyzed indicators of heart rate variability in children depending on the initial vegetative status. In vagotonics and normotonics, there was an increase in the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, and in sympatotonics, there was a decrease in HRV parameters within the age norm, characteristic of increased activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Such changes can occur when the adaptive reserves of the child’s body increase. However, when using speleoclimatotherapy during recreational activities, it is necessary to take into account the initial level of vegetative activity of heart rate regulation in children.
About the authors
O. V. Komissarova
Burdenko State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Voronezh, Russia
E. V. Dorohov
Burdenko State Medical University
Voronezh, Russia
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