
Features of the nervous system of adolescents with different type of regulation of the heart rate
Yamanova G.A., Kudrin R.A., Antonova A.A.
Association between maximal aerobic capacity and heart rate variability
Saini R., Kacker S., Gupta R., Rao A.
The use of high resolution ECG and heart rate variability methods in diagnosing of myocardial electrical instability in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Maha A., Ahmed Elgaili Ahmed -., Dvornikov V.E., Aleksandrova M.R., Kuznetsova S.Y., Agafoshina E.V., Ivanov G.G.
Applying of speleoclimatotherapy for improving children’s health and adaptational possibilities
Komissarova O.V., Dorohov E.V.
Duration of abpm as an important prerequisite for a reliable diagnosis of vascular variability disorders (VVDs)
Gumarova L.Z., Cornelissen G., Halberg F., Mansharipova A.T., Otsuka K., Syutkina E.V., Masalov A.V., Chibisov S.M., Frolov V.A.
Effect of local hand cooling on thermoregulation and rhythm of cardiogram of students from hot climate
Geda S.M., Torshin V.I., Severin A.E., Mansur N.
The use of high resolution ECG and Heart rate variability methods in diagnosing of myocardial electrical instability in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Maha M., Ahmed Elgaili Ahmed -., Dvornikov V.E., Aleksandrova M.R., Kuznetsova S.Y., Agafoshina E.V., Ivanov G.G.
Physiological substantiation of system for individual prenosological control
Isaeva O.N., Chernikova A.G., Baevsky R.M.
Assessment influences of biofeedback in complex of reabilitation measures patients undergoing stress
Polyakova A.G., Matveeva V.V.
Heart rate variability in persons of Tajik nationality during adaptation
Raufov S.S., Shilov S.N.
Evaluation and clinical significance of autonomic status of HIV-infected patients
Filippov P.G., Vershinina M.P.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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