- Authors: Melnikova I.S.1, Shkatova E.Y.1
- Izhevsk State Medical Academy
- Issue: Vol 23, No 2 (2019)
- Pages: 211-218
- URL:
- DOI:
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Every year on the Earth, as a result of road accidents (road traffic accidents), 1.25 million people are die and 50 million are injured of varying degrees of severity, of which more than 30% of the dead are people of working age. This dictates the adoption of decisive measures in the field of prevention and elimination of the consequences of accidents, which requires detailed and reliable statistical data. Aim: to compare statistical data on the dead and injured in road accidents in the Udmurt Republic for 2011-2016. Materials and methods. Statistical data was obtained from the official databases of the Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Udmurt Republic “Republican Medical Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic” (“RMIAC of the UR”, MH of the UR) and the official website of Traffic police “Main Traffic Safety Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation” (“MTSD of the RF”, TP). The calculation of the indicators was carried out using the calculation of the arithmetic mean of simple, errors of representativeness, the reliability of differences of indicators by the Student’s t -test was determined. Results. It has been established that the data of the “MTSD of the RF” and “RMIAC of the UR” for the dead and injured in road accidents differ significantly. According to TP for 2011-2016 years 1471 people died on the roads of the Udmurt Republic, according to the MH of the UR - 1165 people, which, when converted to 100 thousand people, this figure differs 1.3 times ( p < 0.05). On average, over the five-year period, according to official data of the traffic police, non-fatal injuries of 120.0 ± 22.6 per 100 thousand people annually get on the roads of the Udmurt Republic, according to the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic - 2 times more often ( p < 0.05) (230.4 ± 38,1 per 100 thousand population). Conclusion: A comparative analysis of road traffic injuries “MTSD of the RF” and “RMIAC of the UR” showed a discrepancy in statistical data on the dead and injured, which requires a revision of the system of accounting for accidents and changes in the scheme of information transfer.
About the authors
I. S. Melnikova
Izhevsk State Medical Academy
Author for correspondence.
Izhevsk, Russian Federation
E. Y. Shkatova
Izhevsk State Medical Academy
Izhevsk, Russian Federation
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