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This article presents the results of studies on the reaction of α-defensins to acute somatic pain in newborn rats and in the early puberty period. Studies were carried out on white mongrel rats for three hours after pain exposure. The level of α-defensins was determined by enzyme immunoassay. During the experiments, a short-term increase in the level of α-defensins in newborns and rats in the early puberty period was revealed. At the same time, in animals of one month of age a two-phase, labile reaction of an increase in the level of α-defensins in peripheral blood occurs.

About the authors

I. M. Bykov

The Kuban State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 9977-6613
Краснодар, Россия

V. V. Alekseev

The Kuban State Medical University

SPIN-code: 9982-7420
Ростов, Россия


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