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In Russia, the number of patients with intestinal stoma continues to grow. The topic of pro-viding rehabilitative care to ostomy patients and the role of the ward nurses in it is insufficiently illuminated. There is no certification of the profession and the system of special medical education for rehabilitative care of ostomy patients for secondary health workers. The structure of the organization of such assistance has not been formed, taking into account the stage of the rehabilitation process, the availability of criteria for the effectiveness and quality of the medical services rendered. The aim of the study is to identify the problems of patients with stomas in the organization of care in a hospital, the development of practical recommendations for nursing care. The studies were carried out by means of a comparative analysis, a questionnaire of 165 ostomy pa-tients on the basis of the departments of two clinics: without specially trained nurses for the care of ostomy patients and a trained medical staff. According to the results of the questionnaire, the author identified the main problems of such patients in the organization of medical rehabilitation care in a hospital. The unique result of the study: the majority of ostomy patients needed the help of specially trained care for the nurse's stoma and additional rehabilitation literature before the ostomy surgery and immediately after the surgery, while in the hospital. The absence of a ward, trained in the care of a nurse's stoma and the knowledge of her stomatherapy standards, reduces the quality of a surgical operation, leads to negative consequences for the patient: stoma complications, psychological problems, poor quality of life. The need for further rehabilitation assistance to ostomy patients after discharge from the hospital has been identified.

About the authors

D A Nazarova

Regional public organization of stomy invalids of Moscow

Author for correspondence.

Nazarova D.A., the Vice-president of Regional public organization of ostomy invalids «АSТОМ», Moscow, Russia.

109544, г. Москва, Ковров пер., д. 28, стр. 1


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