Features of the formation of neurovegetatioe reaction in ontogenesis of frequently ill children

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There have been examined 360 children aged till three years of life hospitalised with the diagnosis of acute respiratory disease. All children have been divided into two groups: sporadic ill ones (frequency of catarrhal diseases 1-2 years) and frequently being ill children (frequency of catarrhal diseases 4-6 year). The influence of psychosocial and medical-biological factors on frequency of disease has been carried out, and it has also been defined the content of biogenic amines in blood - adrenalin (A), noradrenalin (NA), dopamine (DA) and serotonin. The analysis of the findings was carried out on the age rotation. The research results of a sporadic being ill children have shown the adrenergic regulations of visceral functions to prevail in the first months of life and it is gradually getting weaker conceding to noradrenergic system which reflects heterochronia of maturing nervous regulation life-support systems in the first years of life. At a frequently being ill children a corresponding dynamics of indicators of adrenaline and noradrenalin content in blood was lacking and that gives us the basis to speak about an arrest of development of sympathetic regulation of vegetative maintenance at the children of that group. The results of research allow us to say also about infringement of formation of functional mutual relations between noradrenergic and dopaminergitic links of vegetative regulation in the first years of life and that can be one of the reasons of low stress of stability of a high frequency of morbidity.

About the authors

N N Useynova

The Rostov State Medical University

Кафедра пропедевтики детских болезнейЦНИЛ РостГМУ; Ростовский государственный медицинский университет; The Rostov State Medical University

T S Kolmakova

The Rostov State Medical University

Кафедра пропедевтики детских болезнейЦНИЛ РостГМУ; Ростовский государственный медицинский университет; The Rostov State Medical University

V A Shovkun

The Rostov State Medical University

Кафедра пропедевтики детских болезнейЦНИЛ РостГМУ; Ростовский государственный медицинский университет; The Rostov State Medical University

Yu L Mizernitsky

The Rostov State Medical University

Кафедра пропедевтики детских болезнейЦНИЛ РостГМУ; Ростовский государственный медицинский университет; The Rostov State Medical University


Copyright (c) 2009 Усейнова Н.Н., Колмакова Т.С., Шовкун В.А., Мизерницкий Ю.Л.

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