No 3 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 11
- URL:

Nature and Culture in the Russian Postsymbolism: the Human Body in Zenkevitch's Poetry
The article is devoted to the problem of the human body in the postsymbolism paradigm. The author lays emphasis on the poetry of Zenkevitch, that reflects the main postsymbolism trends of transformations of the human body. Analyzing the numerous sociocultural dimensions of the phenomenology of the human bodieness in Zenkevitch' s poetry, the author disclosed various cultural universalities, that connected with model of world of Russian modernism.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(3):11-16

Addresses of I. Ilin critical articles
In clause the typology of In clause the typology of addressees of literary criticism I. A. Ilyin and the form of realization of the basic communications in the communications «the literary critic - its intermediaries and counterparts» is considered.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(3):17-23

Mythopoetical specifics of A.P. Platonov's novels: Dialogues with popular myths of 1930th
The article is dedicated to the analysis of mythopoetic structure of the two novels by A.P. Platonov - «Chevengur» and «Happy Moscow». The main themes of mythopoetic structure of both novels are as follows: the dialogue and debates with the popular myths of the author's contemporary era and creation of author's alternative neomyth.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(3):24-30

Nabokov's Cityscape and the Berlin Text of German Literature and Art
Despite Nabokov's vehement denial of any possible influence of contemporary German literature, art and cinema on his artistic work, actually he paid close attention to the new trends in German artistic life. This paper examines Nabokov's cityscapes in various short stories and novels in the context of the «Berlin Text» of the 1920-30 German literature and cinema. We argue that the snapshot of Berlin and the portraits of the three main characters in the novel «King, Queen, Knave» are the parody of the expressionistic tendencies in the urban discourse of the German literature. We've also exposed the possible influence of the avant-garde documentary film «Berlin, die Symphonie der Grosstadt» on some visual images of the city as well as the presentation of the mechanic dummy motif in Nabokov's second novel.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(3):31-36

Nikolai Morshen's poetry in the mirror of Russian emigrant and home critiques in 1950-2000
The article analyses the reception of Nikolai Morshen's poetry by Russian emigrant and home reviewers of several generations (I. Odoevtseva, B. Nartsissov, V. Markov, S. Karlinsky, E. Witkowsky and others) and estimates the part, which in their opinion N. Morshen plays in the literary process of 1950-2000.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(3):37-44

Curious stranger: notes about Turkish post-modernism
Post-modernism in Turkish literature has managed to lose the effect of novelty, but for many people it remains rather a curious stranger as before. Its poetological passion is not clear and that`s why it is irritating. But at the same time it is unlike others and because of it, it attracts. The article considers the genesis of Turkish post-modernism, which became the leading direction in the country's literature since the middle of 1990-s.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(3):45-52

Formation and work of departments on public relations in publishing business
Work is devoted to the analysis of anti-recessionary management and PR in the publishing companies of Russia. Presence of a general crisis in this branch (crisis at «macrolevel») as steady tendency reduction in demand for books is fixed. Necessity of anti-recessionary management and receptions PR for work of departments on public relations of publishing companies is described.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(3):53-60

The english language position and its role in indian mass communication
The problem of the English language's role and place in Indian mass-media on the background of multilingualism existing is considered in the research article, the policy of the state concerning the decision of a language question in the country is shown as well. The mass-media channels of India from the viewpoint of their language accessory are also presented and analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(3):67-71

The Internet as a mirror of speech activity of a modern Russian society
The author analyzes the situation which has developed with culture of Russian speech on the Internet, its interrelations with reality, and also problems of realization of Russian in a speech practice mass the Internet-communications from the point of view of formation in Russia an information society.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(3):72-77