Contemporary Chekhovian studies: a brief overview of foreign publications (2012-2023)
About the authors
Kuban State University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6474-5907
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology
149 Stavropolskaya St, Krasnodar, 350040, Russian Federation
- “Sakhalin Island” by A.P. Chekhov in the XXI century: Proceedings of the VII Interna-tional Scientific Conference, September, 14–20, 2020. (2020). Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Akon Publ. (In Russ.)
- A.P. Chekhov and I.S. Turgenev: Collection of articles on the materials of the Interna-tional Scientific Conference “VI Skaftym Readings: to the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of I.S. Turgenev” (Moscow, November 8–10, 2018). (2020). Moscow: A.A. Bakhrushin State Theater Museum. (In Russ.)
- A.P. Chekhov’s dramaturgy in domestic and world culture: Collection of articles on the International Scientific Conference “The Ninth Skaftymov Readings. To the 75th Anniversary of the Series of Articles by A.P. Skaftymov about the Plays of A.P. Chekhov (Saratov, October 14, 2021)”. (2023). Moscow: A.A. Bakhrushin Theater Museum. (In Russ.)
- A.P. Chekhov’s early dramaturgy: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “VII Skaftymov Readings Dedicated to the 110th Anniversary of Sara-tov University and the 125th Anniversary of the A.A. Bakhrushin State Theater Mu-seum (Saratov, October 8‒10, 2019)”. (2021). Moscow: A.A. Bakhrushin State Technical University. (In Russ.)
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- Apollonio, C., & Lapushin, R. (2018). Chekhov’s letters: Biography, context, poetics. Lexington Books.
- Bicilli, P.M. (2000). Chekhov’s creativity. A stylistic analysis experience. In P.M. Bicil-li, The Tragedy of Russian Culture: Research, Articles, Reviews (pp. 204–358). Moscow: Russkii Put’ Publ. (In Russ.)
- Borbunyuk, V.A. (2021). Modernization of A.P. Chekhov's play “The Cherry Orchard” in Ukrainian literature of the 1920s‒1930s. Following Chekhov: Readings, Adapta-tions, Transpositions, May 10‒13, 2021: Notebook of Annotations. University of Siena for Foreigners, University of Verona, University of Naples “L'Orientale”. (In Russ.) Available from:Čechov (accessed 28.06.2023).
- Chekhov and Shakespeare. Based on the materials of the XXXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Chekhov Readings in Yalta (Yalta, April 20‒24, 2015)”. (2016). Moscow: A.A. Bakhrushin State Theater Museum. (In Russ.)
- Chekhov in visual and verbal culture of the XX and XXI century. Reports and invitations from the International Scientific Conference, Dedicated to the 160-Year-Old Anni-versary from Birth of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (Veliko Tarnovo, July 15–17, 2020). (2021). Veliko Tarnovo: University Publishing House “St. Cyril and Meth-odius”. (In Bulg.)
- Chekhov: Texts and contexts. A.P. Chekhov's legacy in world culture: Materials of the international scientific conference (Melikhovo, January 24–28, 2020). (2021). Mos-cow: Pero Publ. (In Russ.)
- Chekhov’s readings in Taganrog. Chekhov and Sholokhov: Nature, man, society: A col-lection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference (Tagan-rog, September 2021). (2023). Rostov-on-Don: Foundation. (In Russ.)
- Chekhov’s readings in Yalta. 100 years since the foundation of the Chekhov House-Museum in Yalta: Collection of scientific works (issue 26). (2022). Yalta: Crimean Literary and Artistic Memorial Museum-Reserve. (In Russ.)
- Corrigan, Y. (Ed.). (2023). Chekhov in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Following Chekhov: Readings, Adaptations, Transpositions, May 10‒13, 2021: Notebook of Annotations. (2021). University of Siena for Foreigners, University of Verona, University of Naples “L'Orientale”. (In Russ.) Available from:Čechov (accessed 28.06.2023).
- Gregory, S. (2015). Antosha & Levitasha: The shared lives and art of Anton Chekhov and Isaac Levitan. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
- Lapushin, R. (2021). Dew on the grass: Chekhov's word. St. Petersburg: Bibliorossika Publ./ Academic Studies Press. (In Russ.)
- Marcucci, G., Boschiero, M., Rimondi, G., & Di Leo, D. (2022). Sulle orme di Cechov. Riletture, adattamenti, transposizioni. Roma: WriteUp Books.
- Peterson, N.L. (2021). Chekhov’s children: Context and text in late imperial Russia. Montreal: McGill ‒ Queen’s University Press.
- Senderovich, S.Ya. (1944). Chekhov face to face: The story of one obsession of A.P. Che-khov. The experience of the phenomenology of creativity. St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin Publ., 1994. (In Russ.)
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