卷 27, 编号 4 (2023): Modern Languages and Cultures: Varieties, Functions and Ideologies in Cognitive Perspective


Variety and functional diversity of modern discourse in cognitive perspective

Ebzeeva Y., Solnyshkina M., Pathan H.


The article offers a concise summary of problems dealing with the multidisciplinary paradigm of modern cognitive linguistics research discussed at VI Firsova Readings “Modern Languages and Cultures: Varieties, Functions, Ideologies in a Cognitive Perspective” (19-21 October, 2023, RUDN University, Moscow). It highlights the most relevant issues which include linguistic means of conceptualization and categorization, critical and positive discourse analysis, environmental thinking, pragmatics of gestures, multimodality, cognitive perspectives of intercultural communication and translation studies, discourse markers taxonomy, IT and cognitive studies, transdisciplinary methods in the study of language and cognition, among others. We aim to illuminate the advantages of the cognitive paradigm and trace new directions in its development. The articles included in this Issue and authored by the conference participants illustrate a broad range of cognitive studies drawn on different methods and conducted on diverse datasets. They clearly demonstrate that the cognitive perspective enables scholars not only to present and describe the phenomena under study but also to offer explanations to the findings and trace correlation between language, cognition and communication. This article also discusses the prospects for further research in the area.

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):767-796
pages 767-796 views

More than just a tree: Ecolinguistics and responses to the felling of ‘Hadrian’s tree’

Ponton D.


In the current climate ecolinguistic research has arguably never been more important, as its basic premises regard the survival of life on Earth and key philosophical questions hitherto under-acknowledged by mainstream science. In recent decades, environmental thinking has made great advances in shaping current opinions towards nature and the non-human world. The goal of this paper is to explore certain currents of mediated thinking in modern Britain regarding nature, in order to assess how far expressions of sorrow for the felling of a prominent tree might correspond to a genuine ecological sentiment. The study explores public responses to an apparent case of eco-vandalism, the felling of the Sycamore Gap tree in September 2023 in Northumberland, using data taken from social media and other online sources such as e-newspapers. From the point of view of Ecolinguistic theory and that of Positive Discourse Analysis it applies critical lenses such as Evaluation and Discourse Pragmatics to dig beneath the surface of texts produced on the topic, in order to explore diverse current attitudes to trees in the UK. The paper finds that, though there are instances in which people appear to express grief for the loss of the Sycamore Gap tree, it is possible to account for these in ways that lessen the likelihood that they are motivated by purely ecological sentiment. In practice human attitudes towards trees tend to be superficial and instrumental, and this tendency is also found here. The Sycamore Gap event brings many latent social attitudes into play, and this paper thus contributes to the developing field of Ecolinguistics by focusing on tree-centred narratives, distinguishing between inherent ideologies of pseudo- and authentic environmental sensitivity.

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):797-819
pages 797-819 views

Metaphoric gestures in simultaneous interpreting

Leonteva A., Cienki A., Agafonova O.


The paper deals with the degree to which interpreters incorporate visible behaviors from the people they are interpreting into their own practice. Since metaphoric gestures objectify abstract concepts in visible form, it is worth exploring the degree to which interpreters replicate such gestures of those whose speech they are interpreting; this can indicate how much they are employing the original speakers’ mental imagery connected with those abstract concepts. This imagery for the source domain of the metaphor ranges from highly iconic (high metaphoric) to low in iconicity (low metaphoric). The hypothesis is that interpreters use low metaphoric gestures rather than high metaphoric ones, due to the discourse type (interpreted speech). We performed formal visual and semantic analyses of ten-minute videos of interpreting a scientific lecture for the general public on a psychological topic from English into Russian. First, we analyzed the functions of the gestures in the source videos to identify metaphorically used gestures (e.g., depicting abstract ideas); then we studied the functions of the interpreters’ gestures. The results indicate a predominance of low-level, schematic metaphoricity in the interpreters’ gestures (e.g., simple ontological metaphors, as if presenting ideas on the open hand). Such results might be explained by the time pressure which leads to a decrease in mental imagery of the interpreters. We see a difference between the known role of gestures when speakers are formulating their own ideas (in thinking for speaking) and their role in simultaneous interpreting (when speakers are rendering others’ ideas, rather than forming their own ones).

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):820-842
pages 820-842 views

Translocalizing the space of old Nubia in digital narrative: Resemiotized chronotopes as markers of identity

Fawzy R.


Digitality is closely related to and expressed within analogicity, offering a sense of intersectional continuity between the online and offline realms. However, this poses a theoretical and conceptual challenge, particularly when addressing the heterogenous notion of contemporary diaspora as a phenomenon of online/offline and past/present co-constituency. To this end, this article advances a semio-chronotopic approach to reclaiming indigenous identities. It aims at decentring the concept of spatial dispersal by situating diaspora within a temporal continuum. The article investigates the Nubian Facebook* page Al Nuba Café in this concern. Deployment of the notion of resemiotization enables us to analyse narrative networks of Nubian diaspora as mediatized through digital space. It is found that Nubian online narrative shows a chronotopic condition of coeval alignment in which the two identity events before and after the displacement are kept conflated. The posts are found to blur the boundaries between the spatiotemporal there-and-then of the story and of the here-and-now of the storytelling world. The study concludes that Nubian digital tellings of diaspora are organized within a continuum of specific chronotopes that vacillate between past and present, spatial yearning and temporal nostalgia, statehood and diaspora, roots and routes, delineating an umbrella chronotope of the changing same. This semio-chronotopic conceptualisation of Nubian diaspora acknowledges the centrality of translocal temporality in its manifestation. Accordingly, the study argues that while space is considered the primary measure of diaspora in the analogue contexts, digital context emphasizes a rather the temporal dimension which dynamically participates in the reproduction of translocal diaspora experiences.

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):843-864
pages 843-864 views

Internal migration and changes in language repertoire among Sindhi youth

Abbasi M., David M., Ali A.


Today many young members of the Sindhi community are migrating from villages to cities in Pakistan, where the national language, Urdu and the co-official language, English, dominates. This study investigates the daily language patterns of transplanted Sindhi speakers and the impact of such patterns on their mother tongue. Furthermore, as these speakers frequently switch from one language to another due to exposure to multilingualism in urban settings, this study determines the dominant language being used by young Sindhis in their mixed discourse, compared to the discourse of older Sindhis. Reasons for adopting other languages in academic institutions and home-settings were also investigated. A qualitative case study was conducted to obtain detailed responses about the linguistic choices of twenty young Sindhi speakers. Two Sindhi families were also observed to study the language choices across generations in home-settings, and semi-structured interviews were conducted to determine reasons for the mixed languages which emerged. The data were analysed using frequency analysis for linguistic choices and thematic analysis of the daily life discourse. Results show that the young Sindhis in the city of Karachi are using dominant languages Urdu and English in their daily life and have higher proficiency in Urdu and English as compared to their mother tongue Sindhi. Moreover, there are several social, economic, and cultural reasons for switching from one language to another among the younger Sindhi generation, in contrast to the older Sindhi generation.

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):865-885
pages 865-885 views

Towards a Multimodal Hermeneutic Model: The case of Uber-Blog-mediated advertising discourse order of ‘Saudization’

Salama A.


This study proposes a Multimodal Hermeneutic Model (for short, MHM) as a methodology that extends the analytic scope of Ricoeur’s (1973, 1976, 1981) classic hermeneutic theory of text interpretation towards examining multimodal texts. The model has been empirically tested by examining the advertising discourse order of ‘Saudization’ as channelled via the Saudi Uber Blog’s multimodal text. A twofold social semiotic praxis has been theoretically incorporated into the distanciation-appropriation dialectics underlying the interpretation of multimodal texts in potentia . First, a multimodal cluster transcription (Baldry & Thibault 2006) has been utilized in enhancing the description of distanciated text sense as a holistic configuration of clusters across different communicative modalities with interacting semiotic modes ( intra-textually ). Second, an interpersonal-meaning analysis of multimodal participants (Kress & Van Leeuwen 2006a, 2006b, Halliday & Matthiessen 2004) has been employed in enriching the explanation of appropriated text reference ( extra-textually ). The empirical site used for validating the MHM is the Uber-Blog-mediated multimodal text designed by Saudi Arabia-based Uber Company. The multimodal transcription of textual clusters has demonstrated how the text sense thematically revolves around the macro topic of ‘Saudization’ across verbal, visual, and pictorial modalities with material and semiotic modes, viz. linguistic, graphological, anthropic, sartorial, spatial, natural, and technological. The multimodal participant analysis has explained how the referents of (i) a model Saudi Uber driver, (ii) the Saudi Public Transport Authority, (iii) Saudi driver-partners, and (iv) Uber app collectively contribute to the recontextualization of ‘Saudization’ from a governmental discourse to an advertising discourse order realized in the multimodal text under analysis.

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):886-914
pages 886-914 views

Discursive designing of autobiographical memories in speech ontogeny: Longitudinal survey

Petrova A., Privalova I., Kosova K.


Autobiographical memories have been investigated, experimentally rather than in real interactional settings. This study explores the role of language in mental processes through the linguistic explication of memories in discursive practices in early ontogenesis. It considers the ways and means of early oral memories evolvement in the interdisciplinary paradigm. The goal is to identify the mechanism of early discourse formation in recalls. The data were collected from the multimedia corpus CHILDES Transcript Browser with speech transcripts of German-speaking children from three to seven years old and were subjected to communicative, pragmatic, cognitive and discursive analyses. Adults’ verbal discursive strategies and tactics were examined to explicate the mnemonic content of children’s narratives. We identified the pragmatic orientation of stimulating statements of adults and described the linguistic features of a child’s mnemonic utterances. It has been found that the main discursive strategies of adults prompting children are: the strategy of discursive socialization, the strategy of dialogic narrative with its further transformation into a mnemonic narrative and information extraction from memory. As a result, the psycholinguistic (verbal) model of the ontogenetic generalization of childhood memories typical for German-speaking communication partners was developed. The model includes six stages according to the age of a preschooler. It displays the evolution of the surface structure of mnemonic utterances-recollections, which make up the framework of primary autobiographical narrations. This research fills in the niches in discourse studies, in ontogenesis and in the primary and secondary text models. The findings may have practical application in corpus and empirical studies.

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):915-937
pages 915-937 views

Text content variables as a function of comprehension: Propositional discourse analysis

Solnyshkina M., Harkova E., Ebzeeva Y.


Text complexity impact on immediate recalls and range of metadiscourse markers remains a research niche due to the lack of multidisciplinary data necessary to shed light on the issue. The current study aims to identify effects of text complexity and Russian-English discourse differences on immediate text-based recalls relating to the amount and type of the information reproduced. For the research purposes we engaged 94 native Russian speakers as respondents in a text-retelling task to explore the amount of propositions recalled from an opinion article and the range of discourse markers employed. The reading text and text-based recalls were contrasted on informative and linguistic levels. The informative complexity of the reading text was evaluated on the basis of propositional analysis, and the linguistic complexity was carried out on the basis of descriptive parameters (word and sentence length, proportion of long words), readability index, word complexity and range of metadiscourse markers. The study revealed that the complexity level of the reading text is a strong predictor of propositional recall. The comparative analysis indicated a slight decrease in metrics of descriptive parameters. We also revealed that high ability readers make a choice in favor of superordinate propositions recalling about 60% of them and losing over 70% of the subordinate propositions. They also tend to shift the metadiscourse patterns of the original text from interactive to more logical ones by loosing hedges, emphatics and evidentials. The study furthers our understanding of cross-linguistic differences in the use of metadiscourse, its results will find application in discourse complexology and natural language processing.

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):938-956
pages 938-956 views

Ways of expressing the category of instrumentality in retranslated texts

Galimova K., Gafiyatova E., Alyunina Y.


The category of instrumentality remains a research niche due to the interrelation of many cognitive and linguistic factors during its implementation in language. This study can contribute to the improvement of methodology and tools for automated propositional analysis of natural language texts. The article aims to identify the types and frequency of instrumentality manifestations in oral immediate recalls. The dataset comprises two reading texts on Social Studies and 34 immediate text-based oral recalls (2779 words in total). The study involved 34 native Russian 5th graders aged 11-12. For the types and range of modifications in expressing the semantic roles of instrumentality, the recalls were analyzed individually and later contrasted with the original texts. The findings showed that the most typical modifications of Instruments in Russian recalls are diathesis shift, excorporation or dismantling of verbs integrated into constructions, and redistribution of semantic roles including replacement of Instrument with Causator, Theme and the Circumstants of Place. Based on the variety of modifications, all the means of manifesting the semantic role of instrumentality registered in our dataset fall into two groups. The first group comprises all the above types of modification, as well as Human Psychological State and Perception. The second group consists of Incorporated verbs and Instrumental actions that were reproduced by respondents using the “extraction” strategy with virtually no lexical loss. The findings expand our understanding of the varieties of expressing the category of instrumentality in oral speech, as well as the specifics of generating secondary texts. They can find application in the studies of receptive and productive speech activity as well as in automating propositional analysis of Russian texts.

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):957-980
pages 957-980 views

Verb database: Structure, clusters and options

Buntman N., Borisova A., Darovskikh Y.


The content and volume of language corpora provide an opportunity to obtain reliable information about the real use of a particular linguistic unit. Nowadays, there is a large number of corpora in different languages, their formation technologies are being improved. Nevertheless, some problems and limitations arise when using these resources in comparative studies. Corpora users need to work with annotated data submitted to tagging through annotation protocols. The article presents the structure and functionality of the supracorpora verb database (SVD) developed on the basis of a parallel Russian-French subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus (RNC) and reveals the difference in their potentials. The described database is a pilot version of the final software, which is currently under development and is being tested. It consists of several clusters focused on solving such linguistic tasks as studying the grammatical semantics specifics and the distribution of verb forms in Russian and French; identifying the polysemantic structure in the two languages, which in turn verifies the understanding of the linguistic worldview of the speakers of Russian and French. It has been found that the mechanism of functioning of SVD cluster formations allows us to study both individual characteristics of verbs and the semantics of verbal lexemes and collocations. The manual annotation enables users to identify the systematic asymmetry of verb forms and cases of contextual and low-frequency asymmetry. Thus, SVD can be used in language pedagogy, teaching and studying discursive grammar, as well as the analysis of translation models variability.

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):981-1004
pages 981-1004 views


Nicole Baumgarten and Roel Vismans (eds.). 2023. It’s different with you: Contrastive perspectives on address research. [TAR 5]. John Benjamins Publishing Company

Bilá M.



Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):1005-1011
pages 1005-1011 views

Mari Wiklund. 2023. Speech and Interaction of Preadolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Focus on Prosody, Disfluencies and Comprehension Problems. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore

Susanto S.



Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):1012-1016
pages 1012-1016 views


Tribute to Olga B. Sirotinina

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Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2023;27(4):1017-1025
pages 1017-1025 views
