The Equivalence and Adequacy Concepts in Teaching Translation at Modern University




This article covers some basic issues that have to do with the modern equivalence and adequacy notions interpretation when teaching translation at institutions of higher learning. The authors have respect to the research of both native and foreign linguists thus presenting a more comprehensive picture of these concepts content along with distributing the implications between them.


V Lipatova

University of the Russian Academy of Education

Email: <>
Кафедра перевода английского языкаФакультет иностранных языков; Университет Российской академии образования; University of the Russian Academy of Education

A Litvinov

University of the Russian Academy of Education

Email: <>
Кафедра иностранных языков с преподаваниеминостранного языка как общеобразовательной дисциплиныФакультет иностранных языков; Университет Российской академии образования; University of the Russian Academy of Education


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