Lexico-semantic and phonetic peculiarities of Swiss national variant of French (in the works of A. Cohen)




In this article the author investigates the distinctions between the French language of France and the Swiss national variant of the French language basing on the works of a Swiss writer; the issues of intercultural communication as well as the questions of social role of the language are also touched upon.


E Dmitrieva

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


  1. Bouvier N. Journal d'Aran et d'autres lieux. - Paris: Payot & Rivages, 1993.
  2. Cohen A. La belle du seigneur. - Gallimard, 1969.
  3. Schьle E. Documents de franзais rйgional actuel // Revue neuchвteloise: Dйfense et illustration de nos parlers. - 1971. - № 54.
  4. Thibault A., Knecht P. Dictionnaire Suisse Romand: particularitйs lexicales du franзais contemporain. - Zoe, 2004.

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