Approaches to Genre Analysis of English Engineering Discourse




The paper presents different approaches to the research of genre analysis. The author summarizes different scholarly views and underlines the significance of scientific and professional communication genre research of linguistics at the present stage. English engineering discourse is defined as a macrosystem resource of professional communication genre genesis in the context of global change that comes together at all levels of social life. Also, the author notes that engineering discourse genre paradigm, as a holistic and complex phenomenon, has not been finalized yet. So this issue needs to be investigated further. Features and common norms of genre are explained according to its communicative goal that is motivated by social context, where genre is formed. Moreover, the author notes that genre analysis has experienced changes and today it includes not only research of specific language features, but also social context, culture, ideology, structure, and activity of discourse community .


Lyudmila Bolsunovskaya

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

Department of Foreign Languages Institute of Natural Resources


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