Phraseological units with somatic components in youth slang in Spain




The article considers the analysis of the function of phraseological units with somatic components in the youth slang in Spain; in particular, it describes some synonymic sets of such units, but specific attention is drawn to the influence and reflection of differences in the world picture perception upon the semantic structure of phraseologisms under discussion.


N Firsova

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Кафедра иностранных языков филологического факультета; Российский университет дружбы народов; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


  1. Подробнее см.: Фирсова Н.М. К проблеме лексико-семантической системы сленга молодежи Испании // Международная конференция испанистов. Красноярск. - М., 2010 (в печати).
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  9. Rodríguez F. (coord.) El lenguaje de los jóvenes. - Barcelona, 2002

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