


Considering a linguistic basis of receptive and productive language skills in Russian the author states that both reception and production are primarily influenced by the correlation of language and objective reality. At reception this objective reality is hidden as a part of innate structure behind words (vocabulary) and word forms (grammar) in a sentence and/or an utterance, and at production it needs to be ‘embodied’ in linguistic forms. Affirming the fundamental difference between compatibility-oriented (gender, case of nouns, adjectives) and reality-oriented (number of nouns, mood and tense of verbs) grammatical characteristics the author claims that in the process of reception all of them must be analysed for their correlation/non-correlation to objective reality, and in the process of production they never act as speech objectives, remaining either a means of expressing the speaker’s thoughts or a regulator of language rules.



Lomonosov Moscow State University


Doctor of Philology, Academician of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, Distinguished professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Head of the Department of Comparative Analysis of Languages. Research interests: studies of active grammar of the Russian language, creation of special divisions of ideographic grammar of the Russian language, revelation of combinatory possibilities of the units of different level, conveying definite nominative contents

31 Bldg.a Lomonosov Str., 119192, Russian Federation


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