Grammar form and semantics of number in clothes and accessory appellationsin Russian and Spanish languages
- Authors: Lazareva OV1
- Russian Peoples Friendship University
- Issue: No 2 (2010)
- Pages: 11-19
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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This article concerns categorical semantics of number. This grammar category is regarded as a
unity between meaning and form. Opinions of Russian and Spanish linguists on this problem are represented
in this article. The languages are compared in the aspect of semantic field and lexical groups.
The research is based on Russian and Spanish appellation of clothes and accessories.
unity between meaning and form. Opinions of Russian and Spanish linguists on this problem are represented
in this article. The languages are compared in the aspect of semantic field and lexical groups.
The research is based on Russian and Spanish appellation of clothes and accessories.
About the authors
O V Lazareva
Russian Peoples Friendship University
Кафедра общего и русского языкознания; Российский университет дружбы народов; Russian Peoples Friendship University
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