Research of common lexical times in turk and mongolian languages, for example, the kinship term «mother» researching

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The purpose of the study - the identification of common Turk-Mongolian lexical items with specific Turk and Mongolian features and language parallels under the certain criteria of examples. After a comparative study of these languages VL Kotwic concluded that the speaker had about 25% of the common features in the lexicon. For example, the similarities in terms of kinship in the Turk-Mongolian languages are few - about a dozen, the same way as in other languages, we can subdivide them into terms for relationship as a result of marriage and blood kinship terms.

About the authors

D E Voskanyants

IAAC of MSU of M.V. Lomonosov

IAAC of MSU of M.V. Lomonosov


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