Grammatical Structures in Cross-Cultural Comparisons
- Authors: Gladkova A.N1
- University of Brighton
- Issue: Vol 19, No 4 (2015)
- Pages: 57-68
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article discusses how cultural information is embedded at the level of grammar and it treats grammar as inseparable from semantics and pragmatics. The study is done within the approach known as ethnosyntax. The article provides examples of cultural meaning embedded at the level of syntax relying on examples from Russian and English. In particular, it demonstrates variation in impersonal constructions in Russian and causative constructions in English. It then discusses variation in the use of grammatical structures due to the influence of cultural factors on the basis of ways of wording ‘requests’ in English and Russian. The linguistic examples in the discussion are sources from the Russian National Corpus for Russian and Collins Wordbanks Online for English. The article argues for the importance of culture-sensitive linguistic studies in language teaching.
About the authors
Anna N Gladkova
University of Brighton
School of Humanities
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