Discursive realization of threat in pre-election communication
- Authors: Romanov A.A.1,2, Novoselova O.V.1
- Tver State Agricultural Academy
- Tver State University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 2 (2020): Language, culture and ideology in discursive practices
- Pages: 419-448
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/article/view/24100
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2687-0088-2020-24-2-419-448
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This article focuses on the question of pragmatic effectiveness of threat statements in political communication, in particular, the relevance of using threats in pre-election programs and intimidating voters with the goal of forcing them to vote for a certain politician. The aim of this article is to consider pre-election threat statements as verbal regulative actions and to propose a typology of such constructive menacives taking into account the targeted orientation of their consequent component. This study is based on a corpus of threat statements realized in the presidential candidates’ pre-election programs in Russia in 2018. The total number of menacives is 1. The study investigated the data from the perspective of the theory of speech activity, speech act theory and psychosemantics. The theoretical framework of the study is an action-related approach to the analysis of speech (dialogic) acts developed in Tver semantic and pragmatic research school (Romanov 1988; 2002; 2020). The study specified 18 targeted types of menacives that have a certain pragmatic and emotional effect on voters and are characterized by different frequencies in pre-election programs. This result demonstrates that the author of the pre-election program does not know mass voter’s preferences, their emotional state and feelings well; therefore, the politician directs their menacing influence on a wide range of potential voters. The authors conclude that politicians deliberately prefer to use threat statements with negative effect on an unfocused audience trying to win the attention and votes. The analysis shows that four types of threat statements with different targeting of consequent component proved to be a pragmatically effective tool in the Russian pre-election campaign in 2018. The results of this study can be used to predict the pragmatic effect of politicians’ threat statements on voters.
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Table 1. Targeted types of pre-election threat statements
№ | Targeted types of pre-election threat statements | Number of threat statements | Percentage of the total number of threat statements in Russian pre-election discourse | Politicians who used targeted types of threat statements (number of threat statements) |
I | Threat statements with negative effect on voters | 42 | 18.34 % | All participants of pre-election discourse, except |
1 | Threat statements with negative effect on voters | 42 | 18.34 % | 7 politicians: Grigorii Yavlinskii (16) Boris Titov (8) Sergei Baburin (6) Kseniya Sobchak (5) Vladimir Putin (4) Vladimir Zhirinovskii (2) Maksim Suraikin (1) |
II | Threat statements with negative effect on non-voters (unfocused audience) | 187 | 81.66 % | All politicians |
2 | Threat statements with negative effect on the representatives of the government, officials and representatives of the state apparatus | 71 | 31.00% | 7 politicians: Grigorii Yavlinskii (35) Maksim Suraikin (13) Kseniya Sobchak (12) Sergei Baburin (7) Vladimir Zhirinovskii (3) Boris Titov (1) |
3 | Threat statements with negative effect on citizens who break the law | 32 | 13.97% | 7 politicians: Grigorii Yavlinskii (13) Vladimir Zhirinovskii (7) Maksim Suraikin (6) Sergei Baburin (2) Kseniya Sobchak (2) Pavel Grudinin (1) Vladimir Putin (1) |
4 | Threat statements with negative effect on citizens with high incomes or on profitable (including monopolistic) enterprises | 16 | 6.98 % | 7 politicians: Grigorii Yavlinskii (5) Sergei Baburin (2) Pavel Grudinin (2) Vladimir Zhirinovskii (2) Kseniya Sobchak (2) Maksim Suraikin (2) Boris Titov (1) |
5 | Threat statements with negative effect on dishonest businessmen or employers | 16 | 6.98 % | 5 politicians: Sergei Baburin (6) Grigorii Yavlinskii (5) Pavel Grudinin (2) Maksim Suraikin (2) Vladimir Zhirinovskii (1) |
6 | Threat statements with negative effect on citizens who support corruption and corrupt officials | 15 | 6.55 % | 5 politicians: Grigorii Yavlinskii (7) Kseniya Sobchak (3) Sergei Baburin (2) Maksim Suraikin (2) Pavel Grudinin (1) |
7 | Threat statements with negative effect on countries-aggressors | 9 | 3.93% | 6 politicians: Vladimir Putin (4) Sergei Baburin (1) Pavel Grudinin (1) Vladimir Zhirinovskii (1) Maksim Suraikin (1) Grigorii Yavlinskii (1) |
8 | Threat statements with negative effect on bankers | 4 | 1.74 % | 2 politicians: Sergei Baburin (2) Maksim Suraikin (2) |
9 | Threat statements with negative effect on those who do nothing for the country's development or hinders its development | 4 | 1.74 % | 2 politicians: Vladimir Putin (3) Vladimir Zhirinovskii (1) |
10 | Threat statements with negative effect on religious organizations | 3 | 1.31 % | 2 politicians: Maksim Suraikin (2) Grigorii Yavlinskii (1) |
11 | Threat statements with negative effect on the media, and also on the media with fake news | 3 | 1.31 % | 2 politicians: Maksim Suraikin (2) Grigorii Yavlinskii (1) |
12 | Threat statements with negative effect on representatives of housing and communal services | 2 | 0.87 % | 2 politicians: Sergei Baburin (1) Maksim Suraikin (1) |
13 | Threat statements with negative effect on judicial authority | 2 | 0.87 % | 2 politicians: Kseniya Sobchak (1) Grigorii Yavlinskii (1) |
14 | Threat statements with negative effect on administration of educational institutions | 2 | 0.87 % | 1 politician: Kseniya Sobchak (2) |
15 | Threat statements with negative effect on international outlawed organizations or citizens supporting them | 2 | 0.87 % | 1 politician: Grigorii Yavlinskii (2) |
16 | Threat statements with negative effect on those who illegally uses someone else's intellectual property | 2 | 0.87 % | 1 politician: Grigorii Yavlinskii (2) |
17 | Threat statements with negative effect on the opposition | 2 | 0.87 % | 2 politicians: Maksim Suraikin (1) Boris Titov (1) |
18 | Threat statements with negative effect on different groups of persons or mass addressee | 2 | 0.87 % | 1 politician: Maksim Suraikin (2) |
Note. The number after the surname indicates the number of targeted types of threat statements in politician’s pre-election program.
Table 2. Election results in the Russian Federation in 2018
№ | Politician | The percentage of votes,% | Number of threat statements |
1 | Vladimir Putin | 76.6 | 12 |
2 | Pavel Grudinin | 11.8 | 7 |
3 | Vladimir Zhirinovskii | 5.66 | 17 |
4 | Kseniya Sobchak | 1.67 | 27 |
5 | Grigorii Yavlinskii | 1.04 | 89 |
6 | Boris Titov | 0.76 | 11 |
7 | Maksim Suraikin | 0.68 | 37 |
8 | Sergei Baburin | 0.65 | 29 |
Table 3. The number of targeted types of threat statements
№ | Politician | Number |
1 | Vladimir Putin / | 4 |
2 | Pavel Grudinin | 5 |
3 | Vladimir Zhirinovskii / Kseniya Sobchak | 7 |
4 | Sergei Baburin | 9 |
5 | Grigorii Yavlinskii | 12 |
6 | Maksim Suraikin | 13 |
About the authors
Aleksey Arkad'evich Romanov
Tver State Agricultural Academy; Tver State University
Author for correspondence.
Email: romanov_tgsha@mail.ru
full professor, Doctor of Philology, Honored Scholar of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Theory of Language and Intercultural Communication and Director of the Institute of Applied Linguistics and Mass Communications
Tver, RussiaOlga Vladimirovna Novoselova
Tver State Agricultural Academy
Email: olvnov@mail.ru
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory of Language and Intercultural Communication
Tver, RussiaReferences
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