Russian Words for ‘freedom’ Revisited
- Authors: Shmelev A.D1
- Moscow Pedagogical State University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 3 (2018): Studies in semantics: for Anna Wierzbicka’s anniversary
- Pages: 675-700
- Section: STUDIES IN SEMANTICS: For Anna Wierzbicka’s anniversary
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About the authors
Alexei D Shmelev
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Author for correspondence.
Professor of Russian Linguistics at Moscow Pedagogical State University, the head of the Department of Linguistic Standards of Russian at the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a Professor of Theoretical Linguistics at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University. His work spans a number of disciplines including cultural studies and linguistics. He is the author of numerous books, most recently, Russkaja aspektologija: v zashchitu vidovoj pary [Russian Aspectology: in Defense of the Aspectual Pair] (2015, co-authored with Anna Zalizniak and Irina Mikaelian). 1 Malaia Pirogovskaia St., Moscow 119991, Russia
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