
Issue Title File
No 4 (2011) Muromtsev Gennadiy Illarionovich PDF


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No 4 (2011) Harmonization of international private law in the states of MERCOSUR: history, present, trends PDF


Sitkareva E.V.
No 4 (2011) The right to education in the Lautsi and others v. Italy case (the European Court of Human Rights) PDF


Semenova N.S.
No 4 (2011) Problem of definition of quality of the government (on an example of coordination legal practice) PDF


Maksurov A.A.
No 4 (2011) Grebennikov Valeriy Vasilevich PDF


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No 4 (2011) «Recodification» - the vector of the development of civil law (the case of bills of amendments to civil and commercial codes of Peru 1984 and 1902) PDF


Belikova K.М.
No 4 (2011) Cultural rights as an integral part of the human rights system PDF


Kukin Е.А.
No 4 (2011) Legal guaranties of the rights of the stockholders at the reorganization of the joint-stock companies in uniform merger and annexation in Russian Federation PDF


Kiaschuk I.Т.
No 4 (2011) Our authors PDF


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No 4 (2011) Establishment of sports infrastructure as one of the priorities of the national modernization PDF


Ponkin I.V.
No 4 (2011) Translation techniques of legal texts and forensic linguistics PDF


Meshkova I.N.
No 4 (2011) Implementation of the European Court of Human Rights in the criminal process of the Russian Federation PDF


Selina E.V.
No 4 (2011) Features of the Canadian government sports policy: first results of analysis PDF


Kazakov R.V.
No 4 (2011) American universities' experience in LL.M courses for foreign students PDF


Novichkova V.V.
No 4 (2011) The concept of the accused: legal basis and views of academic writers PDF


Bakhromov I.A.
No 4 (2011) Poverty - the violation of human rights PDF


Abashidze A.K., Koneva A.E.
No 4 (2011) Scientific events of the PFUR Faculty of Law (June - October 2011) PDF


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No 4 (2011) Police and society: legal regulation relationships PDF


Adinyaev S.I.
No 4 (2011) Comparative analyses of provisions of the un's General Assembly's resolution 96 (I) and Convention on the preventive and punishment of the crime of genocide PDF


Daduani T.G.
No 4 (2011) Review of the monograph of N.I. Yaroshenko «Normative control: constitutional and legal basis and the role in the mechanism of implementation of the constitutional and legal responsibility» PDF


Klishas A.A.
No 4 (2011) General social measures to prevent transactions on legalization of proceeds derived from criminal activity in Russian corporations PDF


Denisov I.K.
No 4 (2011) Forms and types of recognition in modern international law PDF


Dzhantaev K.M.
No 3 (2011) Constitutionally-legal sense recognitions, protection and protection human advantage PDF


Khashem T.A.
No 3 (2011) International law and domestic law basis of minimization and liquidation of terrorism and other grave crimes PDF


Troitskiy S.V.
No 3 (2011) Phenomenology of the right to private life in the postmodern epoch: philosophical and legal aspects PDF


Ivanskiy V.P.
No 3 (2011) The international and legal regulation in the sphere of struggle with legalization (laundering) of money obtained illegally, its impact on the national legislation PDF


Denisov I.K.
No 3 (2011) The genesis and the content of «the retale rights» PDF


Semywolkova A.M.
No 3 (2011) Struggles against international tax infringements in international tax law: methods and measures PDF


Murzagaliev E.C.
No 3 (2011) Self-defense a form of private property protection PDF


Bulia N.A.
No 3 (2011) Certain requirements for jurisdiction of the International center for settlement of investment disputes PDF


Kozmenko A.V.
No 3 (2011) Public law regulation and practice of arrangement of banking syndicated loans in Russia PDF


Svyatobogov A.V.
No 3 (2011) Scientific events of the PFUR Faculty of Law (March - May 2011) PDF


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No 3 (2011) Mediation's program in the criminal justice system of the Anglo-Saxon countries PDF


Vasilenko A.S.
No 3 (2011) Review on the monograph of P.A. Kucherenko «Theory of Presidential Power in the USA: constitutional and legal aspect» (М.: «Evropeets», 2010) PDF


Grebennikov V.V.
No 3 (2011) State sovereignty: political and legal interpretations PDF


Mamedov R.V.
No 3 (2011) The land servitudes in the law of continental Europe PDF


Byshkov P.A.
No 3 (2011) Our authors PDF


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No 3 (2011) Features of organizational-legal maintenance of activity of federal courts of the general jurisdiction of the Russian Federation PDF


Sаngаdzhiеv B.V.
No 3 (2011) Commercial disputes proceedings at Japan commercial arbitration association PDF


Rusakova E.P.
No 3 (2011) Questions of interaction of court with other law enforcement bodies PDF


Kaitova A.R.
No 3 (2011) Creation specialized authorities in the USA for development modern system of mortgage lending PDF


Kireev I.I.
No 3 (2011) Fundamentals of appointment of police in the Russian Federation PDF


Adinyaev S.I.
No 3 (2011) Arizona's model of systematization of sports legislation PDF


Soloviev A.A.
No 3 (2011) Constitutional justice as supreme ensuring form of judicial constitutionalism in Russia PDF


Yaroshenko N.I.
No 3 (2011) International control and observance of Human Rights PDF


Goltyaev A.O.
No 2 (2011) Tenancy at sufferance in the system of possession relationships: the United States' experience PDF


Grechko D.P.
No 2 (2011) The conception of Business Judgment Rule in the U.S. corporate law PDF


Disani Teuta -.
No 2 (2011) For the discussion about the legality of the modern international law PDF


Tarasova L.N.
No 2 (2011) Commonwealth of Independent States countries economic cooperation development international legal aspects PDF


Mulyukova V.A.
No 2 (2011) The relationship between power and subordination in the customary law conceptions of Don Cossacks in the second part of the 19th century PDF


Krasnov S.Y.
No 2 (2011) International legal framework for the safe use of nuclear power sources in outer space PDF


Solntsev A.M.
No 2 (2011) Development of the constitutional foundations of judicial power in sectoral legislation PDF


Yaroshenko N.I.
No 2 (2011) Impact of national air law on improvement of international legal regime of airspace PDF


Travnikov A.I.
No 2 (2011) Constitutional legal questions of sports regulation PDF


Grebnev R.D.
No 2 (2011) Report on the participation in the Manfred Lachs space law moot court competition in 2010 PDF


Solntsev A.M., Koneva A.E., Govert E.A., Korshunov I.S.
No 2 (2011) State regulation in higher education PDF


Mamedov A.A.
No 2 (2011) Our authors PDF


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No 2 (2011) Subsoil Use as Objects of is Administrative-Legal Regulation PDF


Volkov А.М., Lyutyagina E.А.
No 2 (2011) Regulation of reinsurance in the Russian Federation PDF


Dmitrieva D.E.
No 2 (2011) Formation of juvenile justice in Russia PDF


Kuzmina V.M.
No 1 (2011) Committee of Ministers' of the Council of Europe practice, concerning the execution of the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights in part of just satisfaction payment PDF


Mayboroda E.P.
No 1 (2011) Impact of German legal culture on other legal cultures in modern time PDF


Goryacheva M.V.
No 1 (2011) Права женщин на защиту от различных форм дискриминации PDF


Zakoldaeva E.V.
No 1 (2011) Place of judiciary in separation of powers in Russia, CIS, European Union: a comparative legal analysis PDF


Yaroshenko N.I.
No 1 (2011) Our authors PDF


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No 1 (2011) Legal questions of e-money regulation in EU PDF


Ranchinskiy K.L.
No 1 (2011) Constitutionally-legal regulating usage of mineral resources in Russian Federation, some countries of Europe and USA PDF


Filatov V.К.
No 1 (2011) State regulation of use of natural resources and the environment defense in France PDF


Volkov А.М., Lyutyagina E.А.
No 1 (2011) Comparative study of the legal status of public bodies monitoring and oversight of the media in Russia, the USA and Germany PDF


Bogach K.O.
No 1 (2011) The main features and the intrinsic characteristics of systems of recognition of professional qualifications (professional titles) of lawyers in the European Union PDF


Dyukina V.R.
No 1 (2011) Problems regulating procedural status of the secretary in the hearing according to CPC of the Russian Federation and countries - participants of the CIS PDF


Volobuyeva E.A.
No 1 (2011) Problems in comparative jurisprudence. Definitions of government service in Russia and public service in anglo-saxon countries PDF


Milovidov O.D.
No 1 (2011) Promise as a unilateral act of state, producing legal effect in international law PDF


Ilyashevitch M.V.
No 1 (2011) Legal integration in corporate regulation: content, problems and prospects PDF


Inshakova A.O.
No 1 (2011) International Olympic Committee and its regulations in the system of international law PDF


Dzhantaev K.M.
No 1 (2011) The prosecutor's activity in sentencing cases hearings PDF


Voronin О.V.
No 4 (2010) Theoretical problems of use in the Russian Federation antitrust system of such measure as exaction of illegally received income PDF


Pisenko K.A.
No 4 (2010) Comparative legal analysis of U.S. plea bargains and special order the trial of the Russian criminal proceedings PDF


Kelbiev M.R.
No 4 (2010) Theoretical bases of bank monitoring PDF


Alekseeva D.G.
No 4 (2010) International auditing standards: legal regulation PDF


Golovach I.O.
No 4 (2010) Administrative responsibility of legal entity for breaking disclosure law on the security market PDF


Ivashchenko S.А.
No 4 (2010) Our authors PDF


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No 4 (2010) The Formation of Family Law (Marriage and Divorce) in Russia (own traditions, international and foreign influence) PDF


Kosareva I.A.
No 4 (2010) Freedom of the will and cases of its limitations PDF


Lotareva J.B.
No 4 (2010) Budgetary process in the Russian Federation: certain legal and economic issues PDF


Veremeeva O.V.
No 4 (2010) General provisions on economic societies in EU law PDF


Kirsanov А.N.
No 4 (2010) Comparative - legal analysis of noble forms of land property in Russia in XIX century PDF


Ezzjeva M.N.
No 4 (2010) Powers of the president in the U.S. system of checks and balances PDF


Kucherenko P.A.
No 4 (2010) The rights to other people's land in Roman law PDF


Byshkov P.A.
No 4 (2010) About the legal nature of hypothecary crisis in the USA PDF


Ponka V.F.
No 4 (2010) Assessment approaches of the local administration entity in Russian and European scientifically-legal traditions PDF


Balykhin A.G.
No 4 (2010) Legal regulation of migration relations: German approach PDF


Nemytina M.V., Kulitchenco N.A.
No 4 (2010) Abolition of the death penalty in the light of the general principles of law PDF


Sidorkin A.S.
No 4 (2010) The general beginnings of infliction of punishment on criminal law of Tajikistan PDF


Tuliev I.R.
No 3 (2010) The rights to other people's land in Roman law PDF


Byshkov P.A.
No 3 (2010) Practice of international safety management of civil aircraft in law of the People's Republic of China PDF


Liu Xin -.
No 3 (2010) Place of judiciary the separation of powers in Russian PDF


Yaroshenko N.I.
No 3 (2010) The right to alternative service PDF


Abashidze A.K., Kolesnikova A.V.
No 3 (2010) Russian banking system as an object of public administration PDF


Mamedov A.A.
No 3 (2010) International legal criteria of minority PDF


Dekhkanov S.A.
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