Problems regulating procedural status of the secretary in the hearing according to CPC of the Russian Federation and countries - participants of the CIS

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This article is a scientific research, which examines the problem of determining the procedural status of the court clerk, his place in the criminal - procedural relations. To this end, the rules governing the activities of such person's criminal - procedural legislation of the CIS were analyzed. The suggestions on the best solution to this problem in the Code of Criminal Procedure were stated. The conclusions and suggestions, contained in the paper, can be used to further improve the criminal procedure law, by making appropriate additions to the law, as well as to improve the effectiveness of the procedural activities of the Secretary.

About the authors

E A Volobuyeva

Samara State University

Кафедра уголовного процесса и криминалистики; Самарский государственный университет; Samara State University


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