
Administrative prejudice and the principle of Non bis in idem
Maslov W.A.
Subsidiary liability of controlling persons for obligations of a company excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Laptev V.A.
The legal regime of the share in the authorized capital of a limited liability company acquired by spouses during marriage, during the life of the spouses and after the death of one of the spouses
Kozlova N.V., Filippova S.Y.
Issues of the shipowner's liability for damage caused by oil pollution from sea-going vessels
Aleksenko A.I., Kasatkina A.S.
Legal guarantees for tax obligations in the digital era
Lyutova O.I.
The use of information and telecommunication networks for criminal purposes: regulatory accounting and prospects for expanding criminal law authority
Skripchenko N.Y.
Social Significance of the RSFSR Criminal Code of 1922: historical, legal and humanitarian aspects
Stepanenko R.F.
Legal responsibility for corruption in education
Botnev V.K.
The Civil Code of the RSFSR 1922: features of birth and happy fate
Kuznetsov M.N.
Theoretical problems of use in the Russian Federation antitrust system of such measure as exaction of illegally received income
Pisenko K.A.
Lipinsky D.A.
Responsible contractors supplying goods, works and services for state and municipal needs
Nichkolskiy D.S.
Ignatova M.A.
Human stations on the Moon and the problem of liability
Zhukov G.P.
Genesis of the Institute of Complicity in the Indian Criminal Law in XIX Century
Krasheninnikova N.A., Trikoz E.N.
Special legal regime of information in financial monitoring
Proshunin M.M.
Strict liability ultra-hazardous activity in the doctrine and law-enforcement practice of the USA
Rumyantsev M.B.
Ethical and legal status of abortion: history and current state of a problem
Gnatik E.N., Sokova E.A.
Simplified model of business companies in Germany: features and benefits
Kirsanov A.N.
Criminal law mechanism of compensation for harm caused by crime: trends in legislative regulation and practical implementation
Skripchenko N.Y., Anoshchenkova S.V.
On the essence and nature of compulsory insurance
Margaskin P.B.
1 - 21 of 21 Items

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