
Cross-border aspects of administrative protection of intellectual property: a survey of Russian court practice
Agamagomedova S.A.
Network enculturation processes in developing translation competence
Udina N.N.
Arzamasov Y.G.
Foreign language application in the development of professional competences of the lawyers-to-be
Belenkova N.M.
Judiciary Transformations in the Russian Empire of the mid XVIII century, as Precondition of the Public Institutions Legal Base Establishment
Lapteva L.Y.
Certain requirements for jurisdiction of the International center for settlement of investment disputes
Kozmenko A.V.
Integration of clil approach into ba students’ speaking skills development
Belenkova N.M., Zhivajkina O.N.
Establishment of the principle of universal jurisdiction and its implementation by bodies of international criminal justice
Lyamin N.M.
About correlation of administrative legislation and article of the administrative and legal adjusting of joint conduct of Russian Federation and subjects of Russian Federation
Anikin S.B.
Harmonization problems of the Russian Federation legislation and OECD in corporate regulation
Inshakova А.O.
For the discussion about the legality of the modern international law
Tarasova L.N.
Compiling a jury in Russia in the context of digitalization
Pashin S.A., Bushtets N.V.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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