
Issue Title File
No 2 (2013) Officials of the health sector as the subjects of corruption crimes PDF


Polukarov A.V.
No 2 (2013) Network enculturation processes in developing translation competence PDF


Udina N.N.
No 4 (2013) Particular qualities of law enforcement functions of prosecution under current conditions PDF


Kurtser K.M.
No 3 (2013) Obligatory precedent in judicial reform in Brazil PDF


Marchuk N.N.
No 1 (2013) Mediation in England and the Wales PDF


Ivanovskaya N.V.
No 2 (2013) Sovereignty of Scotland and its documentation PDF


Grafshonkina A.A.
No 4 (2013) Features in the development of the legal system of Scotland PDF


Grafschonkina A.A.
No 3 (2013) Historical and legal analysis to combat child homelessness and neglect first years of soviet power PDF


Shahova E.S.
No 3 (2013) Some features of official business style in the French language PDF


Meshkova I.N.
No 1 (2013) Book review A.M. Solntsev «Environmental protection and human rights» (Moscow, PFUR, 2012. — Pp. 334) PDF


Kodolova A.V.
No 2 (2013) Modern trends in the legal regulation of international trade as the institute of international economic law PDF


Mamedov A.A.
No 4 (2013) Questions of state security in the political and legal doctrine: history and present PDF


Iroshnikov D.V., Sangadzhieva K.V.
No 4 (2013) Right to information: modern approach in international law PDF


Zabara I.M.
No 3 (2013) Car theft — traditional vocational crime PDF


Plodovskiy Y.V., Galushkin A.A.
No 1 (2013) The positive of the international legal experience of the involvement of the law enforcement agencies of Russian Federation into the fight against legalization of criminal proceeds (on example of Interpol) PDF


Vodyanov A.V.
No 2 (2013) Application of extrajudicial proceedings to dispute settlement in the sphere of state secret protection PDF


Zhigalsky I.M.
No 2 (2013) Review of Textbook of A.Kh. Abashidze and A.O. Inshakova (eds.) «Bases of the European Communitarian Law» (Moscow: «Yurist», 2013) PDF


Martynenko E.V.
No 4 (2013) How to apply the basic principles of civil legislation in judicial practice? PDF


Ryzhenkov A.Y.
No 3 (2013) Strict liability ultra-hazardous activity in the doctrine and law-enforcement practice of the USA PDF


Rumyantsev M.B.
No 1 (2013) UN activities in the development of international legal regulation of information relations PDF


Zabara I.M.
No 2 (2013) Subject of the French law on copyright of XVIII–XIX centuries PDF


Semiwolkova A.M.
No 4 (2013) The main direction of the refinancing of the global financial system PDF


Belov V.A.
No 3 (2013) Convergence of private and public law in the modern legislation of the Russian Federation PDF


Ivanova S.A., Grebennikov V.V.
No 3 (2013) The book that was waited: Review of the book written M.A. Supataev «To problems of civilizational approach to law:Essays on general theory and practice» (Moscow: «Yurlitinform», 2012. 143 p.) PDF


Muromtsev G.I.
No 1 (2013) Revisited on autonomy in sport. Review of A. Ponkina’s scientific monograph «Sports’ autonomy: Theoretical and Legal Research» (M., 2013. — Pp. 102) PDF


Grebnev R.D.
No 2 (2013) Protection of human rights and freedoms in accordance with the international legal standards in context of a new realities of the globalized world PDF


Abashidze A.K., Klishas A.A.
No 4 (2013) History of constitutional and legal development of the right to business activity in Russia PDF


Pavlov E.A.
No 4 (2013) How the UN governing function in the field of environmental protection has been formed PDF


Kopylov M.N., Kopylov S.M., Mohammad S.A.
No 3 (2013) Use of foreign trade marks in advertising PDF


Grigoriev D.A.
No 1 (2013) Activities of the Russian Prosecutor’s office for implementation of public prosecutor’s supervision in the migration sphere PDF


Bessarabov V.G.
No 2 (2013) Legal profession in Russian Federation at the present stage PDF


Galushkin A.A., Timoshenko D.Y.
No 2 (2013) Our authors PDF


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No 4 (2013) Current issues of legal status of foreigner citizens in the Russian Federation PDF


Galushkin A.A., Kasa I.
No 3 (2013) Participation of Ukraine in the formation of the international legal framework of the environmentally-friendly energy PDF


Belotsky S.D.
No 1 (2013) Main factors and circumstances, which had promoted for adoption of the African charter on human and peoples’ rights PDF


Syraba Diallo -.
No 2 (2013) Criminal responsibility for mediation in bribery in foreign countries PDF


Kopylov M.N., Gavryushkin Y.B.
No 4 (2013) Transfer of copyright for works in accordance with the copyright law of France at XVIII–XIX centuries PDF


Semivolkova A.M.
No 3 (2013) Procedural rules of law and features of their structure PDF


Shagieva R.V.
No 3 (2013) Review of the textbook written by V.V. Grebennikov, P.A. Kucherenko and B.V. Sangadzhiyev «Judicial authority and law-enforcement activity in Russian Federation» (Moscow, 2013) PDF


Grudtsyna L.Y.
No 1 (2013) Our authors PDF


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No 2 (2013) The recruitment and use of child soldiers as a serious violation of international humanitarian law PDF


Mustafaeva M.M.
No 4 (2013) Public administration: logic of scientific research and modernization strategy PDF


Ohotskiy E.V.
No 4 (2013) «Unification» of Bessarabia with Romania in the light of international law PDF


Burian A.D., Nazaria S.M.
No 3 (2013) Ancient Sumer: special law tradition PDF


Trikoz E.N.
No 1 (2013) Administrative legal principles in higher education regulation PDF


Mugenova E.D.
No 2 (2013) Topical issues of the mode of lawyer secret legal regulation in Russian Federation at the present stage PDF


Kozhev A.V.
No 4 (2013) The features of legal support, realization and protection of intellectual property rights in the field of sport PDF


Kouznetsova A.M.
No 3 (2013) Legal regulation of sport in Australia: challenges of combating violence PDF


Botnev S.V.
No S5 (2012) Features of the constitutional development in Latin America at the present stage PDF


Marchuk N.N., Nikonov A.S.
No 3 (2012) The role of international organizations in the development of local self-government PDF


Ezhevski D.O.
No 3 (2012) International legal protection of cultural rights of vulnerable groups: some specific aspects PDF


Kukin E.A.
No 4 (2012) Federal ministries a subjects of public policy formation of modern Russia PDF


Arzamasov Y.G.
No S5 (2012) World of justice in the Russian Federation — 15 years (analysis of proceedings in criminal matters) PDF


Selina E.V., Starodubtsev G.S.
No 4 (2012) Human Rights as an Essential Element of Contemporary International Community PDF


Renato Zerbini Ribeiro Leão -.
No S5 (2012) The establishment of administrative justice in post-Soviet states of Central Asia: selected models and problems in their implementation PDF


Zelentsov A.B., Ibragimov S.I.
No 3 (2012) Models of the government relationship and local self-government (municipal authority) PDF


Chikhladze L.T.
No 3 (2012) The participation of Peoples’ Friendship University team in the Moot Court Competition « International Criminal Court-2012» PDF


Semenova N.S.
No 4 (2012) Education in Russian Federation as the basis of obtaining citizenship of Russian Federation in the simplified manner PDF


Galushkin A.A.
No S5 (2012) Clause «o» article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation enforcement problems in the aspect of the criminal law corruption struggle mechanism PDF


Muromtsev G.I., Sorochkin R.A.
No 4 (2012) Juvenile justice and the right to education in the European convention on human rights PDF


Semenova N.S.
No S5 (2012) Modern Tajik Constitutionalism: formation specificity and evolution PDF


Muromtsev G.I., Khakimov S.K.
No 3 (2012) Legal system of community and its harmonization in the European Union PDF


Shapovalov N.I.
No 4 (2012) Preface PDF


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No 3 (2012) The overview of the All-Russian scientific conference «Methodology of comparative legal researches» (in honor of the professor Zhidkov O.A.) PDF


Nemytina M.V., Mihkeeva T.T.
No 4 (2012) Legislation Perfection in the field of environmental protection in the Russian Federation in connection with the Russia’s accession to the OECD PDF


Kodolova A.V.
No S5 (2012) Possibilities and prospects of the administrative and legal regulationin the housing sector PDF


Batyaeva A.R., Pozdnyakova R.D.
No 4 (2012) Measures undertaken by the Caribbean States for the co-ordination of their internal laws with the provisions of Convention on the Rights of the Child PDF


Pianzina N.A.
No S5 (2012) The foreign legislation of human organ and tissues (example of Germany, Switzerland and Argentina) PDF


Epanchina M.P.
No 3 (2012) The Constitution of Germany and the EU Law PDF


Mescheryakova O.M.
No 4 (2012) Reforms of the Second Part of the XIX Century in Russia: the Expirience of Modernisaition of the State and Legal Oder PDF


Nemytina M.V.
No 3 (2012) The Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition 2012 PDF


Solntsev A.M., Klyunya A.J., Koneva A.E.
No 4 (2012) Environmental security as the object of the administrative-legal regulation PDF


Volkov A.M.
No S5 (2012) Control activities of notaries PDF


Vinogradova E.V., Vinogradova P.A.
No 4 (2012) The Place of the marine environmental security in the concept of ensuring of environmental security for South-east Asian states PDF


Nguyen N.A.
No S5 (2012) Judicial authority and other institutes forming the basis of the law-enforcement mechanism in Peru PDF


Belikova X.M., Marchuk N.N.
No 3 (2012) Donor’s passport: right or responsibility (Russian, foreign and international experiens of legal regulation) PDF


Epanchina M.P.
No 4 (2012) Unification of criminal norms and institutes in Criminal Code 1903 (on an example of malfeasances) PDF


Dudyrev F.F.
No 3 (2012) Review of the work of I.A. Tsindeliani «On the system of financial law: the current state of scientific research» (M.: RAJ, 2011. — 168 p.) PDF


Belov V.A.
No 4 (2012) Development of national payment system — a new goal of the Central Bank of Russia PDF


Belov V.A.
No S5 (2012) The legal profession in the system of measures for ensuring the right to the protection from criminal prosecution PDF


Selina E.V., Yastrebov O.A.
No 3 (2012) The socialist doctrine as the component of the neoliberal political and legal doctrine at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries PDF


Popova A.V.
No 4 (2012) The Earth Charter as an ethic basis of interrelationship between society and nature and of governing of nature PDF


Mohammad S.A.
No S5 (2012) International jurisprudence and national law PDF


Rodolfo Capón Filas -.
No 3 (2012) Advantages, disadvantages and risks of public-private partnership PDF


Sazonov V.E.
No 4 (2012) The charter of artel as a form of legal regulation of traditional handicraft production in Russia in the early 20th century PDF


Zozulya O.A.
No 3 (2012) Review of the work of V. Hovhannisyan «Principles of criminal justice in international law. Evolution and especially its implementation» (M.: NOTABENE, 2011. — 328 p.) PDF


Semenov N.S.
No 4 (2012) Classification of criminal procedure decisions PDF


Gaprindashvili R.T.
No S5 (2012) New questions of scientific and technical means application in criminal court proceeding PDF


Levi A.A., Shirev D.A.
No 3 (2012) Legal groundwork for the protection function of the Russian Federation at the turn of XXI century. Brief survey PDF


Novak Y.I.
No 4 (2012) Environmental empact essessment procedure of the lake Vostok sampling as a tool of the Antarctic ecosistems protection PDF


Kopylov S.M.
No S5 (2012) The question of superiority of rules contained in an international agreement under the national law in case of their conflict PDF


Klishas A.A.
No 3 (2012) Correlation of the lex sportiva and the sports law PDF


Ponkin I.V., Ponkina A.I.
No 4 (2012) Principles of the roman public law in the Soviet Constitutions PDF


Alexeeva T.A.
No 3 (2012) Our authors PDF


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No 4 (2012) Detention of minors from repeated crimes PDF


Chirkina R.V., Galushkin A.A.
No S5 (2012) The essence, the types and causes of medical errors and legal means of reduction of the problem PDF


Ponkina A.A.
No 3 (2012) Constitutionalism, legitimateness and ustavnost as legal categories PDF


Yaroshenko N.I.
No 4 (2012) Caspian resources as the basis of the importance of southeast Europe to the European energy security PDF


Nesic B.
No S5 (2012) The European Court under Human Rights and Mechanisms Maintenance of the Right to the individual Complaint in Russia PDF


Mescheryakova O.M., Levi A.A.
No 3 (2012) Human rights and traditional values of humankind PDF


Kartashkin V.A.
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