- Authors: Zaslavskaya O.Y.1
- Moscow city pedagogical university
- Issue: Vol 15, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 271-281
- URL:
- DOI:
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Problem and goal. The article deals with the processes of globalization, which can have a significant impact on the improvement of the modern system of education, especially in the conditions of active introduction of the digital economy. The actual problem of modern development of society is the processes of rapid obsolescence of knowledge, the increasing importance of education. The aim was to justify the need for new pedagogical technologies based on the global trends taking place in the modern world. Methodology. Our views on what education should look like and how it should be implemented depend on goals and experience, education is implemented in various forms depending on how we look at its value meanings. Results. According to various studies, there are several global trends that affect the development of the education system in General and management education in particular. Thus, the modern teacher is faced with the task not only to prepare an educated person, but a person with moral foundations, capable of entrepreneurship, competent, independently make decisions in solving professional problems, predict the consequences of their decision, comprehensive cooperation. The modern education system in the digital economy should have mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, contribute to the formation of a sense of responsibility. Conclusion. The use of new information and telecommunication technologies is crucial for improving the competitiveness of the economy, expanding its integration into the world system, improving the efficiency of management and self-government. In these conditions, means of information and telecommunication technologies offered a unique opportunity to more fully contribute to global information exchange, the formation and choice of future jobs and work, taking into account the uncertainty in the forecasts, to have responsible leadership and, finally, to be able to work in environments of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The article considers the changes taking place in the education system, influencing the formation of management tasks of the modern teacher
About the authors
Olga Yurievna Zaslavskaya
Moscow city pedagogical university
Author for correspondence.
doctor of pedagogical sciences, full professor, professor of the department of informatization of education of the Moscow city pedagogical University
29, Sheremetyevskaya str., Moscow, 127521, Russian FederationReferences
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