No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Virtual machines and models in training to use of modern hardware-software computer's complexes
In article features of a professional training to work with the hardware-software complexes functioning on the basis of computer technics are described. The training methodology is under construction on use of advantages of virtual machines and models.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):5-9

About mathematical training of designers at the education informatization
In modern society education is an important driving force behind its economic growth, the basis for solving social problems, conservation and development of science and culture, strengthening the state. In this paper, the necessity of rethinking the mathematical training of specialists in the field of design in the information, the importance of the development of mathematical preparedness of future designers to study special subjects is also identified.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):10-15

Informatization of linguistic education: personal mediatheque
A new innovational ICT tool - personal mediatheque - is offered and described in the article. Based on realization of the personal and activity-based approach it allows to solve a number of problems in increasing informational competence of a teacher as well as of a pupil.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):16-20

Approaches to management of educational activity of pupils at computer science lessons
In given article one of approaches to realization of technology of statement of the purposes of the educational employment, developed taking into account management of educational activity of pupils at computer science lessons is considered.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):21-32

The features of teaching methods of programming in the system of supplementary education in informatics and ICT
The model of formation of the rational contents of teaching to programming in described in the article in view of specificity of supplementary education and features of visual surroundings of programming. The realization of structure of the contents of training to programming is written stage by stage.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):33-40

Graphic culture in the course of education to computer science of students of pedagogical high school
In article the approach to formation of graphic culture at the future teacher of computer science is stated. The attention to that preparation of the future teacher of computer science should be directed on formation of the versatile person possessing necessary for teacher qualities is focused.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):41-47

Assimilation of the world informational framework: origin of conception
In the article under review the authors reveal the origin of the conception for the world informational framework assimilation in the survey of philosophical and pedagogical interpretation. Classification for the types of the world informational framework is suggested. Maxims for assimilation of the world informational framework by students are given.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):60-65

System renewal of objective contents on basis of new information technologies in continuing education in the field of information security
In the article the questions of the optimization of the contents of education and the processes of its formation and renewal in dynamically developed subject areas are considered. As an example training process of information security according to suggested by the models of the vital cycle of knowledges system of continuing education is investigated.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):81-88

Diagnostics of communication and information environment of pedagogical program means
The efficiency of pedagogical program means is considered through the correctness of a communication and information environment organization. The totality of pedagogical conditions is adduced; the communication and information environment answers these conditions. The main directions (didactic, psychological, ergonomic) of analysis are determined and the methods choice for their diagnostics is grounded.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):99-104

Our Autors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2010;(2):109-110