ICT competence formation model of a future primary school teacher
- Authors: Beshenkov S.A.1, Matveeva V.A.2
- Institute for Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education
- Sakhalin State University
- Issue: Vol 17, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 190-200
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/article/view/24752
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2020-17-3-190-200
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Problem and purpose. The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of ICT competence in future primary school teachers. In the context of global mass communication, the most valuable resource today is the ability to analyze, systematize, and interpret information. Global informatization naturally affects the education process and the main task of the education system is to identify current trends in the development of society and introduce pedagogical technologies into the educational process that form positive experience and reflect modern social changes, leading the educational process into an ordered, controlled system. The aim of the study is to find effective ways of manifesting information activities, building a model that promotes the development of ICT competence in future primary school teachers by means of mathematical cycle disciplines. Methodology. During the study, an analysis of approaches to the creation of educational models was carried out, ways of developing ICT competence of future primary school teachers by means of mathematical cycle disciplines were revealed. The main conceptual idea of the model, contributing to the solution of the didactic problems (epistemological, axiological, praxeological, professional-personal, communicative), is the reflection of mathematics in the information field as an instrument of humanization of the modern information society and personality. The basic aspects of fragmented subject modeling of pedagogical reality is the application of an integrated approach to the conceptual, criteria and quantification of the model. Results. A model for the development of ICT competence of future primary school teachers has been developed. The technological component of the model is disclosed, the criterion component of which is represented by the matrix of conjugation of levels (elementary, sufficient, advanced) and components of ICT competency (epistemological, axiological, praxiological, professional-personal, communicative). Each component is revealed through the prism of knowledge, skills and experience. Conclusion. The developed model for the development of ICT competence of future primary school teachers by means of the mathematical cycle disciplines justifies itself in practice and needs further research and quantitative analysis.
About the authors
Sergey A. Beshenkov
Institute for Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education
Author for correspondence.
Email: srg57@mail.ru
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Education, head of the laboratory of informatics training and chief researcher at the Institute
16 Zhukovskogo St, Moscow, 105062, Russian FederationValentina A. Matveeva
Sakhalin State University
Email: matveeva89.ru@mail.ru
senior lecturer of the department of mathematics
68 Pogranichnaya St, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 693008, Russian FederationReferences
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