The specifics of use PervoLogo software in preschool on example of a group of fiveyear-old children

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The article is a description of activities conducted by the Institute of educational Informatics of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the aim of obtaining relevant experience. This article describes how to improve the program PervoLogo for the most fruitful work with children of preschool age and some recommendations for the organization of such classes. PervoLogo program was developed specifically for preschool and primary school age. Experience in the use of PervoLogo in primary classes in Russian schools is widely covered in literature. In contrast, information about the use of the program in preschool education is clearly not enough.

About the authors

Elena Ivanovna Yakovleva

Federal research center “Informatics and management” of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

Researcher at the Institute of Educational Informatics (IEI), Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of Russian Academy of Sciences

Vavilova str., 44, korp. 2, Moscow, Russia, 119333


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Copyright (c) 2017 Yakovleva E.I.

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