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The article highlights the main objectives of Informatization of higher education institutions, including the requirements of normative documents stipulating the creation of an electronic University environment, including an electronic library, an information database and organisation of students to access the necessary learning electronic resources. Analyzed regulatory documents, to make demands for distance and online education, as well as the form of its implementation; the documents governing the form of assessment of students using remote methods and requirements for organizations conducting such assessments. On the basis of the analysis the selected indicators of Informatization, which can be further used in the evaluation of the effectiveness of it development and its impact on the quality of education in universities.

About the authors

V Yu Grigoriev

Russian academy of national economy and state managements under the President of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

Grigoriev Valery Yurievich, candidate of technical sciences, leading researcher of the Center for Economics of continuous development of the Russian Academy of national economy and state service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Vernadsky str.,82, Moscow, Russia, 119571


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