- Authors: Beloglazov AA1, Beloglazova LB2, Bondareva OB2, Ismailova HE2
- Institute of management, economy and innovations
- Russian Peoples’ Friendship University
- Issue: Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 220-232
- URL:
- DOI:
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Article devoted to the capabilities of computer testing in the diagnosis of the results of the educational process. The paper provides a rationale for the relevance and timeliness of the application of this technique in connection with the trends of contemporary social development - computerization and setevizatsiey society. Also attention is paid to the formation of the transformations, which lead to a digital communication technology and, in particular, the Internet. Specifies that the computer testing in a modern two-level university education should be tailored to the received in high school competency approach. A possible variant of use of computer-based testing to assess the results of training students in the discipline “philosophy”. The conclusion about the effectiveness of computer-based testing in the monitoring of education in the modernization and computerization of modern education.
About the authors
A A Beloglazov
Institute of management, economy and innovations
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, head of the department of application-oriented informatics of Institute of management, economy and innovations
Bolshaya Dmitrovka str., 9/7, Moscow, Russia, 125009L B Beloglazova
Russian Peoples’ Friendship University
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Russian of the Russian Peoples’ Friendship University
Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10/3, Moscow, Russia, 117198O B Bondareva
Russian Peoples’ Friendship University
candidate of pedagogical sciences, high teacher of department of Russian of the Russian Peoples’ Friendship University
Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10/3, Moscow, Russia, 117198H E Ismailova
Russian Peoples’ Friendship University
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Russian of the Russian Peoples’ Friendship University
Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10/3, Moscow, Russia, 117198References
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