- Authors: Kerimbaeva B.T.1, Niyazova G.Z.1, Kaya K.1
- International Kazakh-Turkish university of H.A. Yasavi
- Issue: Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 108-113
- URL:
- DOI:
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In the article an attempt was made to define the role and to study the peculiarities of functioning of English language in higher education. The state of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and trends of development of society are the most result problems of priority development of the education system on the basis of computer technology and the creation of a unified educational information environment. With the rapid development of science, fast updates of information, it is impossible to learn for a lifetime, it is important to develop the interest in obtaining knowledge for continuous self- education. Intense changes in society caused by the development of modern educational technologies, has led to the need for change of the education system. The main objective of the training is to achieve a new modern quality of education.Modernization of the Kazakhstan education defines the main goal of professional education as the training of qualified professional of the appropriate level and profile, fluent in their profession, capable to effective work on a speciality at the level of world standards, ready for professional growth and professional mobility. Modern trends of modernization of educational programs demand introduction of modern methods of teaching. The increasing introduction of new computer technology and the application of the competence approach in educational process of H.A. Yasawi International kazakh- turkish university promotes increase of efficiency of process of teaching English.
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Nowadays the english language is gaining popularity all over the world. English language regarded as language of international communication, international, universal, global and lingua franca for an increasingly widening circle of representatives of different countries [1]. English language is sometimes called the new Latin language of academia, however, it should be noted that the influence of the english language is much broader and deeper, because Latin was a “caste language of the educated minority” [2], while the english language embraces different layers of society and is found in practically all spheres of human activity. Strengthening the position of English language on the world stage, with the rapid development of international contacts in the second half of XX and early XXI centuries, has set the scientific community the question of the spread of english language and its role in intercultural and interethnic communication, so that there various theories regarding the status of english language, its role and functioning in the modern world.In the context of global integration, the expansion of the information space and the rapid development of innovative technologies in the world community, the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan are undergoing significant transformation.In the message of “Strategy ‘Kazakhstan-2050’ - new political course of the established state” the Head of state emphasizes the importance of the policy of trilingual: “the three language policy should be encouraged at the state level. We should work to breakthrough in learning the English language. Having this ‘lingua franca’ of the modern world opens to every citizen of our country new and unlimited opportunities in life... How I see Kazakhstan of the future? I am firmly convinced that Kazakhstan citizens of 2050 represent a society of educated, free people speaking three languages” [3].Over the last decade has witnessed significant socio-economic reforms that gave a new impulse to the transformation of the educational system. So, were updated and improved legal framework in the field of education, the scope was widened international cooperation, and modified to all levels of education in general. The changes are mostly reflected in the system of higher education. Integration and internationalization of education, autonomy of universities, international academic mobility, independent accreditation of higher education institutions, a systematic synthesis of science, education and innovation, life-long education - tasks that fall within the scope of the main at the present stage of development of the higher school of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The integration of Kazakhstan into the world educational space actualizes the development of professional contacts with representatives of foreign countries and puts forward new requirements to graduate.Today does not seem to be possible to build a successful career without knowledge of the english language. It actualizes the formation of acme-creative qualities of a future teacher of english language.Knowledge of English language is in modern society an essential part of personal and professional life. Language is seen as a tool that allows a person to better navigate the world. In the process of learning English for future professionals need in varying degrees to form communicative competence. A person with communicative competence allows it to interact with other people in the household, educational, industrial and other spheres of life, using various symbolic systems, including language, which occupies a dominant position [4].English language among young people of Kazakhstan is a popular language. The young generation aspires to learn, primarily, English language as a foreign language. English language is perceived as language developed western countries. Western style of life, culture are demonstrated through media such as TV programs, popular music, movies, and are one of the factors of increasing interest to the English language. Social network communication via the Internet with people from other countries also facilitates the use of the english language. Young people tend to identify themselves with the West. English is also economically advantageous language. In order to get a high-paying prestigious job in many cases requires knowledge of the English language. Many students study abroad through the presidential scholarship program “Bolashak”, which also contributes to the spread of English language among young people.Insufficient of theoretical elaboration of questions of methodology of teaching English language for professional activity is reflected in the practice of teaching. In particular,the existing textbooks and books in English language for future teachers is made withoutregard to the specific professionally-oriented activities, without regard to the specific professional terms, include material not relevant to the topic and purpose of the lessons and proposed exercises and assignments did not constitute an integrated system aimed at the formation of communicative competence necessary for future teachers [5].Successful learning is only possible if the teacher fails to arouse the interest to the subject and systematically support it. In this connection there is the task of a comprehensive and careful study of ways of obtaining information.As currently active is the transition to the information society, informatization of education is considered as a necessary condition for the development of the personality at the present stage.It is important that in the lessons English language learners felt the beauty of a foreign language. This may be achieved by the use of different active forms and methods of work. Note that difficult at first glance, tasks attracted students with its novelty, uniqueness, originality. In the process of education and upbringing of the modern generation one of the main aspects in addition to emotional development is the increase of the intellectual potential of students. Currently, English classes students are given a very large amount of information, influencing the process of training. The researchers raise the question: to use or not to use a computer in lessons? Clearly, the computer reveals to student and teacher to see new opportunities, find new ideas and solve complex problems [6].The using of informational technologies in learning English language is very effectively, as the didactic function of these technologies is wide. This is due to the fact that computer technology allows obtaining informational multichannel, and therefore increases significantly as the volume of information received, and the quality of its assimilation.The introduction of informational technologies in the educational environment of english language lesson allows you to enhance and to stimulate the interest of students, activate their thinking, the effectiveness of learning, individualize instruction, increase speed of presentation and assimilation of information and rapid adjustments knowledge if necessary.The use of computer in learning English language for different purposes:when explaining new material to the maximum solubility, for optimum consolidation of the material studied,to improve the monitoring of students ‘ knowledge,to organize an interesting and fruitful work on the subject [7].These lessons can be completely tailored to the use of the computer is in the office at various stages of english lessons.For the teacher is one of the successful forms of the lesson, as it gives the opportunity to interest the students, to intrigue, to make people think, to attract their attention to the most important information.At the same time it should be noted and disadvantages, which include:the need for special additional hardware to work with the manual;unfamiliarity, non-traditional electronic forms of information presentation;fatigue when working with the monitor;get in some cases the necessary training for the teacher in the field of informatization;traditional approaches to learning hard way for the modern pedagogical innovations. Despite the fact that it is technically possible to create electronic textbooks, and alsoEMC (educational methodical complex) are fully represented in digital form, the usingof informational technology in the teaching of english language has some limitations. According to scientists, teachers and modern students is more developed visual and emotional memory. In this regard, the use of educational software that contains lots of educational information, is equipped with animated demonstrations, hypertext links, video stories and other multimedia attributes, facilitates the implementation of psycho- pedagogical approaches. At the same time established that the perception of a relatively large amount of text on the monitor screen is difficult, therefore, the text of this volume, with whom the student works must be in a printed textbook.From the foregoing it can be concluded that in the modern scientific-methodical literature, computer technology in English language teaching: fully implement the principle of clarity in teaching; provides training tailored individual characteristics of students; maximize the use of analytical and imitative abilities of students; to fully mobilize their internal resources; to create conditions to control the formation of speech skills and abilities; to ensure self-control.
About the authors
Batagoz Talgatovna Kerimbaeva
International Kazakh-Turkish university of H.A. Yasavi
Author for correspondence.
PhD doctor, associate professor
Sattarkhanov str., 29, Turkistan, Kazakhstan, 161200Gulzhan Zholaushiyevna Niyazova
International Kazakh-Turkish university of H.A. Yasavi
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of computer sciences
Sattarkhanov str., 29, Turkistan, Kazakhstan, 161200Karlygash Kaya
International Kazakh-Turkish university of H.A. Yasavi
master-prepodovatel, Bakhcheshekhir of the higher school of science and technology of the city of Diyarbakir
Sattarkhanov str., 29, Turkistan, Kazakhstan, 161200References
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