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The paper discusses some problems of development of modern world education associated with the implementation of the competence approach (CA) in education on the example of the system of higher technical education of Mongolia. Discusses the training of national cadres for Mongolia in the system of the graduate school of the Russian Federation. Touches on some aspects of the international competition for the minds.The concepts of information - mathematical culture (IMC) and professional information - mathematical competence (PIMC), the definition of these concepts, a comparative analysis of the content of the IMC and PIMC in relation to the concepts of mathematical culture (MC) and the professional mathematical competence (PMC).The paper gives a justification of the importance of the proposed information - mathematical competences for the training of national engineering cadres of Mongolia. Addresses General questions relation of culture and professional competence. Emphasizes the importance of the fundamental principle of education when implementing CA in education.The description Problem-Oriented Information-Computational System (POICS) structure and shown their importance for the development of national educational systems.In the description of the conceptual structure of POICS allocated to its component parts, such as: system POICS, actually IP, analytical part, discussion part, and the computing system. Lists the functions performed by each component of POWS.

About the authors

Dorzhpalam Oyuntuya

The Mongolian university of science and technology School of technologies to Darkhan

Author for correspondence.


Tsagaan chuluut 5, School of Technology in Darkhan, Darkhan-Uul, Mongolia, 45041

Nadmid Begz

Ministry of Education, cultures, science and sport of Mongolia



Government Building III, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 14200


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Copyright (c) 2017 Oyuntuya D., Begz N.

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