Vol 24, No 1 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/engineering-researches/issue/view/1658
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8143-2023-24-1
Full Issue
Designing the low-energy lunar transfers trajectories which pass in the vicinity of the libration points of the Earth - Moon system. Part 1. Theory and method
A method for designing low-energy trajectory of transfer to the Moon with the insertion of a spacecraft into a low circumlunar orbit is proposed. The analysis of this trajectory is based on the solution of a boundary value problem for the system of differential equations of the restricted four-body problem. The trajectory of the low-energy flight passes through a region of space where the gravitational attraction of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun tend to cancel. The trajectory turns out to be very sensitive to the initial conditions of the spacecraft motion. Difficulties arise in solving the boundary value problem. Weak stability boundary issue appears. An additional difficulty in designing the trajectory of a low-energy transfer of a spacecraft is related to the multi-extremality of the optimization problem under consideration. The authors assume that the transfer trajectory passes in the vicinity of the libration point L1 or L2 of the Earth - Moon system and introduces some restrictions on the velocity vector of the spacecraft at the moment the spacecraft passes the vicinity of the libration point. This assumption and the use of enumeration in space of the two main parameters of the transfer pattern allows to find an initial approximation for the low-energy transfer trajectory.

A methodical approach to solving the problem of autonomous parrying of contingencies situations in spacecraft control
As part of the main trends in the development of world space activities - expanding the composition of near-Earth orbital constellations of spacecraft, intensifying the study of planets and bodies of the solar system, increasing the requirements for the quality and reliability of space expeditions - the problem of developing and improving the methodology of optimal control, system analysis, decision support to design highly efficient spacecraft control systems is brought to the fore. These studies include the formation of methodological approaches to the study of the optimal control of spacecraft during their movement in the atmospheres of planets, the autonomous control of a spacecraft under conditions of uncertain flight situations, etc. The problematic issues of designing deep space expeditions include the organization of effective control of the spacecraft with its considerable distance from ground stations. At the same time, an uncontested condition for the successful implementation of flight programs is the development and application of autonomous spacecraft control systems based on the use of highly efficient technologies for collecting and processing measurement information. This determines the need to improve the methods and algorithms of autonomous decision-making on the spacecraft control. The authors develop a new methodological approach to the structural construction of autonomous spacecraft control systems based on the created technologies for identifying flight situations: processing measurements; forming logical decision rules; forecasting flight trajectories and on-board equipment operability. A formal statement of the problem of autonomous decision-making on spacecraft control is provided.

Simulation of the temperature drift of the laser gyroscope path length
The authors present the results of modeling the temperature drift of the resonator path length of a laser gyroscope based on a ring helium-neon laser with circular polarization of radiation and a magneto-optical frequency bias based on the Zeeman effect using the MATLAB mathematical package. The algorithm developed and implemented in the MATLAB environment makes it possible to simulate temperature deformations of the path length of a Zeeman laser gyroscope when the configuration of its structural elements changes. This allows to evaluate the quality of the supplied material for the manufacture of the ring laser resonator, as well as to evaluate the total contribution of structural elements to the resulting drift of the perimeter of the Zeeman gyroscope. The model obtained in the work is an analytical tool for additional quality control of the optical glass-ceramic SO-115M, from which the resonator is made, and optimization of the design of the Zeeman laser gyroscope, both locally and comprehensively. This is necessary to increase the efficiency of ring laser perimeter stabilization in the operating temperature range using an active perimeter adjustment system and passive thermal compensation by selecting structural elements with opposite temperature coefficients of linear expansion. The use of the developed model in the production of laser gyroscopes permits to select the structural elements of the Zeeman gyroscope, which significantly increases the time of its continuous operation in a single-mode in a wide temperature range while maintaining the re-quired accuracy for the orientation, stabilization and navigation systems of various aircraft.

The hierarchical approach to proving the existence of generalized planar nested central configurations on some versions of the general (pn+1)-body problem
A hierarchical approach to proving of existence in the general (pn+1)-body exact partial solutions is presented, the so called generalized planar nested central configurations in a form of consequently nested in each other convex n -gons with nonequal in general masses in the vertices and a nonspherical body in the centre. Flat nest-shaped central configurations in the form of convex quadrilaterals of mixed shapes nested one into another of the type square + rhombus + deltoid + trapezoid + central body within the frame-work of the general problem of (4n+1)-bodies of celestial mechanics were measured. The given general conditions of existence are valid for any nest-shaped planar central configurations within the framework of the (4n+1)-bodies problem. Symbolic calculations of the Maple mathematical package are used to solve the system of equations. The system of algebraic equations has a hierarchical structure similar to the obtained direct transformations to the system of algebraic equations within the process of solving systems of linear equations by the Gauss method. The cases of a central body in the form of a spherical (a ball) and a non-spherical (an ellipsoid of rotation or a triaxial ellipsoid) structures are considered. In each of the cases, the corresponding necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of central configurations of various types are given.

Optimization of the control algorithm for a vehicle with a hybrid power plant
Along with the rapid growth of fuel prices, the increase of car fleet in the world, including Russia, has focused on reducing fuel consumption by vehicles. One of the ways that can reduce the consumption of hydrocarbon fuels is to use vehicles with an electromechanical powertrain. The energy source for such vehicles is both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. The results of a study of fuel consumption by a hybrid vehicle with various control algorithms are presented. The methods of mathematical and simulation modeling were used. Fuel consumption data is given when using various algorithms for turning on the gasoline internal combustion engine, depending on the vehicle speed. As a result of simulation modeling, it was found that in order to ensure the greatest fuel economy, it is necessary that the gasoline engine starts when the car reaches a speed of at least 60 km/h, then fuel consumption in the urban driving cycle is reduced by 50% compared to the gasoline engine start mode at a speed of 30 km/h.

The impact of the mining industry on economic growth in the countries of the Southern African region
The authors investigate the relationship between the mining industry and economic growth in South African countries. The countries in the Southern African region are rich in natural resources, and in most of them, their mining industry extracts and exports natural resources with little industrial processing. The empirical methodology involved the use of ordinary least squares and generalized method of moments. The results are based on a dataset of twelve countries in the Southern African region from 2011 to 2020. The direct and indirect impacts of the mining industry in Southern African countries on their economic growth are analyzed. The economic growth model used data on real growth in the mining industry, the share of exports of minerals in total exports, real growth of manufacturing, human capital development, population growth, mineral resource endowments, infrastructure development, real growth in services, trade volumes, and openness and growth of foreign direct investment. Findings showed that real growth in the service sector, manufacturing, mining, human capital development, infrastructure development, trade openness, and growth in foreign direct investment are important determinants of economic growth in economies of the Southern African region during the study period. The resource curse hypothesis has not been confirmed. Therefore, to improve economic growth, it is advisable for countries in the Southern African region to improve their government institutions and regulatory frameworks to attract investment in the strategic mining sector. The recommendations are made regarding the formation of state industrial policies.

Recognization and characterization of sources rocks in well BX in the sedimentary basin of Cote d’Ivoire
In order to recognize and characterize the sources rocks in the BX well, samples of this well have been selected and analysed using Rock-Eval pyrolysis method and another set samples were prepared and observed through microscope for visual kerogen characterisation. The total organic carbon of BX well sediments varies between 0.41 and 3.41 wt%, with 1.29 wt% on average. These high values indicate good organic matter content in this well. The hydrogen index (HI) of the studied samples ranges from 49 to 292 mgHC/gTOC, with an average of 109 mgHC/gTOC, indicating mainly a type III kerogen. This kerogen is composed of humic material (vitrinite and inertinite) and amorphous organic matter with marine microfossils (dinoflagellate cysts and micro-foraminiferal linings). Thermal maturity parameters show that, Maastrichtian, Campanian, Early Senonian and Turonian are immature with Tmax values below 435 °C. However, according to Tmax values, samples reach oil window in Albian at 9840 ft while spore colour index indicate that this limit can be put at 9210 ft into Cenomanian age. The section from 7260 to 7590 ft in Campanian interval displays the best qualities of source rock. This section is composed of good quantity of type III and type II/III kerogen with moderate hydrocarbon potential, but this source rock is immature to generate hydrocarbons.

Geochemical features of granitic rocks using x-ray spectral fluorescence in the Miass region, Southern Ural
The goals of the research are the geochemistry and identification of granite rocks. The granitic rocks are part of the Syrostan massive, which is located in Southern Ural. Understanding the magma process and probable mineralization deposition can be gained by classifying granite and determining geochemical characteristics. X-ray spectral fluorescence analysis was used to collect samples from outcrops for geochemical analysis. The results indicate that the rocks belong to the high-K calc-alkaline to calc-alkaline series. The granites are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous and are classified as I-type granites, with A/CNK values ranging from 0.73 to 1.01. The majority of the rock samples are trondhjemite to slightly tonalite in composition. The most observable samples in the normative Na2O-k2O-CaO scheme have defined a continuous range, varying from tonalite/trondhjemite to granodiorite. The findings provide valuable information about the petrogenesis of the rocks and their composition.

Image processing for ASTER remote sensing data to map hydrothermal alteration zones in East Kazakhstan
Porphyry copper deposits are accompanied by extensive aureoles of hydrothermally altered rocks which make it possible to detect them on satellite images in the absence of vegetation. The study is devoted to using the Earth’s remote sensing data, particularly, satellite images from the Japanese sensor ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer), which are used to identify areas that are promising for the discovery of porphyry copper deposits and ore occurrences within the copper belt of Kazakhstan. The analysis of numerous publications that offer various methods for processing ASTER images for the interpretation of hydrothermally altered rocks accompanying porphyry copper occurrences showed that the most effective method for this region is the Crosta technique. The Crosta technique, unlike other methods, does not use primary bands, but their combinations are obtained by the principal components analysis method. Thus, the combination of the results of the principal components analysis with the use of index images and analysis of the geological map made it possible to identify areas of hydrothermally altered rocks in the study area. The described technique helps to predict promising areas for porphyry copper mineralization of varying degrees of reliability, associated with their hydrothermal processing.