The pharmacokinetical aspects of nifedipine in pregnant women with placental insufficiency in the phone preeclampsia

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In 55 cases of nifedipine usage it's pharmacokinetics and placenta permeability index (PPI) at 25 women of the main group were studied. Pharmacokinetical parameters showed that nifedipine usage at non-severe forms of preeclampsia with placental isufficiensy in the dosage of 10 mg every 6 hours makes equivalent concentration in blood serum. 23,2 ± 1,2 ng/mg is the concentration which gives optimal antihypertensive effect. The study of nifedipine revealed that it possesses with transplacental crossing. At the average concentration of nifedipine 10,8 ng/ml, PPI was 77% during repeated usage - 75% is reflection of placenta barrier functions. Pharmacokinetical investigations permited to reveal that peroral usage of nifedipine during labors makes low concentrations - 16,4 ± 0,8 ng/ml, this doesn't give the desired therapeutical effect. Thus, sublingual usage is more preferable. It means that observing of optimal regimes of introducing, dosage and differencial approach to it's usage helps to achieve the desired therapeutical effects and to prevent undesirable and side effects on mother and fetus. Regular nifedipine therapy in pregnancy associated hypertension facilitates effective blood pressure control and prevents hypertensive crises.

About the authors

F B Buranova

Federal State «Scientific Center of Obstetrics,Gynecology and Perinatology named V.I. Kulakov»

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Federal State «Scientific Center of Obstetrics,Gynecology and Perinatology named V.I. Kulakov»




Abstract: 538

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